Reflection On Global Education - Custom Academic Help

Reflection On Global Education - theme interesting

Recent education events offer hours of innovative thinking for Pittsburgh educators Catch up on the new ideas, latest trends, and bold thinking presented at three global education convenings The month of March was filled with conferences that spoke to the central message of the Tomorrow campaign. But none captured its essence quite like Imagine If , which took place on March We shape it. During the following four days of presentations, a global roster of top researchers and educators explored the impact of the pandemic on learning and the possible post-pandemic futures that are being pursued in schools and education organizations around the world. Winthrop discussed the importance of harnessing the deeper connection and engagement between schools, parents and entire communities that have grown during the pandemic. And they can harness these connections to speed up the pace of progress and positive change in education. This presentation and many more from the four days of LearnIt Live are now available at no cost for educators to watch online. In the pre-pandemic world, the annual SXSW EDU conference held in-person in Austin, Texas, has been a valuable gathering place for many Pittsburgh-area administrators and teachers each year. By traveling and sharing the experience of a range of panels about learning innovation, this group forged connections that grew once they returned home. But with vaccines increasingly available, the hope is that next spring a large contingent of people from the Pittsburgh region will attend an in-person SXSW EDU — assuming that happens in Reflection On Global Education.

Reflection On Global Education Video

Team Project Reflection - Write-up Process - Global Perspective

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Since Marchschools at all levels across the US and globally have offered fully remote or hybrid learning opportunities in order to respond to public health needs. The pandemic created a major disruption in education, as in virtually every aspect of human activity.

Reflection On Global Education

The authors apply a feminist lens to reflect on their lived experiences with emergency remote teaching and learning. Chapter Preview Top Background This background section provides an overview of several key concepts pertinent to this chapter, including: online and remote teaching and learning, social emotional learning, diversity and access, and community and family engagement in a virtual context.

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Erucation have primarily drawn from US-based sources, given our positionality as mother-scholar-practitioners based in the United States, and we have incorporated some international research to supplement the US-based literature. Key Terms in this Chapter Social-Emotional Learning : The process of acquiring skills to manage emotions and maintain positive relationships.

Reflection On Global Education

Learner-Centered : A perspective that focuses on individual learners and best available knowledge about learning. Assets : Strengths and resources.

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Culturally Responsive : Incorporating the assets of all participants. Mother-Scholar-Practitioner : Term is used to highlight the positionality of the authors and the integration of theory, Exucation, and practice through a feminist lens. Family Engagement : Partnerships with families that involve respectful communication and opportunities for meaningful participation in decision-making. Reflective Practice : Exploring, analyzing, and interpreting lived experiences as a source of insight, understanding, and change. Complete Chapter List.]

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