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Badge of shame Essays

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Why do students cheat cause and effect? Badge of shame Essays.

Sinning however can be redeemable but it takes hard work and dedication in order to achieve that goal. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne we follow Hester Prynne our female protagonist and her journey along the aftermath of sin and the change it brings in each character along the way.

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In seventeenth century Boston, the protagonist Hester Prynne does a horrible thing and commits a sin that goesis against the Puritan Code, this sin is Adultery, the worst sin according to the Puritans religion. Hester spends years with the product of her sin, little Pearl, andabd suffers the harsh judgement of the townspeople alone.

Badge of shame Essays

Later in the novel she faces relationship problems between the person she loves who is Reverend Dimmesdale and the person she married who is Roger Chillingworth. Redemption which is, recovering or saving yourself from sin, like giving food to the poor can always be something positive. Hawthorne characterizes Hester as a strong woman because she wears the Scarlet Letter and accepts all of the shame.

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Hester, as a result of her sin, had a baby at the beginning of the novel and named her Pearl. Here, she said to herself, had been the scene of her guilt, and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment. She has repentance for the sin she committed also knows that Badge of shame Essays is no longer pure but will try to make the most of it.

She eventually pushes and continues her normal life with the Scarlet Letter attached to her chest. The Letter A is for committing the sin of adultery. After years of wearing it to the townspeople got used to Hester wearing it so they saw how helpful she has been. This connects to the change of the Scarlet Letter because Hester has changed the whole meaning of it and made it into a positive standard.

Badge of shame Essays

Hester has been strong for years with the Scarlet Letter and has worked for years to give herself a good reputation. This connects to the scarlet letters change in the novel because the A is a negative symbol since it represents sin in the Puritan Code.

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Hester made people reinterpret the meaning of the letter by doing good deeds. The Scarlet Letter A can be a negative thing because people will see Hester as a Badve person who only does bad things. But it can be positive because it can give people awareness on what would happen if you commit a sin. Hester gets a job and helps people in need such as the poor in needlework. Positivity can be produced from negativity and this can help you make a large impact on the lives of others.]

Badge of shame Essays

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