Summary Of Hanks Psychosocial Development - Custom Academic Help

Summary Of Hanks Psychosocial Development - hope, you

Based on your age, which stage of development does the theory predict you are currently facing? You may feel that the previous stage or the next stage better explains your developmental process. Write a to 1,word paper discussing the stage of psychosocial development you are currently experiencing. Use the following questions to help direct you: Where does the theory place you in the life stages? Is this stage an accurate reflection of your current life stage? Do you believe that there is congruence between the developmental tasks and psychosocial crisis and your current life circumstances? Summary Of Hanks Psychosocial Development

Summary Of Hanks Psychosocial Development Video

Psychological Disorders: Crash Course Psychology #28

The Psychosocial Theory Of Human Development

Dis Model Mech 7 July ; 3 : — Epidemiological evidence links exposure to stressful Summary Of Hanks Psychosocial Development events with increased click for mental illness. However, there is significant individual variability in vulnerability to environmental risk factors, and genetic variation is thought to play a major role in determining who will become ill. Several studies have shown, for example, that individuals carrying the S short allele of the serotonin transporter 5-HTT gene-linked polymorphic region 5-HTTLPR have an increased risk for major depression following exposure to stress Psychosocia adulthood. Identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying this gene-by-environment risk factor could help our understanding of the individual differences in resilience to stress.

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Here, we present a mouse model of the 5-HTT-by-stress risk factor. Wild-type and heterozygous 5-HTT knockout male mice were subjected to three weeks of chronic psychosocial stress. The 5-HTT genotype did not affect the physiological consequences of stress as measured by changes in body temperature, body weight gain and Summary Of Hanks Psychosocial Development corticosterone.

However, when compared with wild-type littermates, heterozygous 5-HTT knockout mice experiencing high levels of stressful life events showed significantly depressed locomotor activity and increased social avoidance toward an unfamiliar male in a novel environment. Heterozygous 5-HTT knockout mice exposed to high stress also continue reading significantly lower levels of serotonin turnover than wild-type littermates, selectively in the frontal cortex, which is a structure that is known to control fear and avoidance responses, and that is implicated in susceptibility to depression.

Summary Of Hanks Psychosocial Development

These data may serve as a useful animal model for better understanding the increased vulnerability to stress reported in individuals carrying the 5-HTTLPR S allele, and suggest that social avoidance represents a behavioral endophenotype of interaction between 5-HTT and stress.

Major depression is a severe, life-threatening Summary Of Hanks Psychosocial Development widespread psychiatric disorder Mathers and Loncar, see also World Health Organization report: www. The link between exposure to stressful life events and increased risk for major depression has been confirmed in several studies Risch et al.

Maladaptive mechanisms by which stress exposure could increase the risk for depression have been proposed, including deficient neuromodulatory homeostasis Krishnan and Nestler, ; alterations of neural structure and function McEwen, ; McEwen, ; a hyperactive hypothalamus-pituitaryadrenocortical HPA axis Lupien et al.

It has been shown that certain individuals are better able to cope with stressful life this web page by engaging protective psychological strategies Feder et al.


Other individuals may show resilience owing to an altered functional capacity in the adaptive molecular pathways that are engaged by stress Feder et al. Identifying genetic risk factors that contribute to either an increased susceptibility to stress or an inability to engage successful coping strategies has the potential to uncover the molecular mechanisms involved in stress vulnerability, and could suggest novel therapeutic approaches to depression Caspi and Moffitt, ; Lesch, Recently, several studies have reported that individuals carrying the S short allele of visit web page serotonin transporter 5-HTT gene-linked polymorphic region 5-HTTLPR are more likely to develop major Summary Of Hanks Psychosocial Development following exposure to life stress Caspi et al.

Imaging studies have associated the S allele with increased neural activity in Summary Of Hanks Psychosocial Development forebrain areas during resting Canli et al. In addition, a synergistic effect of the 5-HTTLPR S allele and life stress events has been reported on neural activity in multiple brain regions Canli et al. An analogous 5-HTT promoter repeat polymorphism has also Psycuosocial shown to interact with rearing Devdlopment to affect similar physiological and behavioral alterations in rhesus macaques Champoux et al.

These mice show an altered ability to cope with stress, and increased anxiety and depression-like behaviors Wellman et al.

Summary Of Hanks Psychosocial Development

It was proposed that such a gene-by-environment interaction could serve as a model for the increased vulnerability to early life stress in individuals with the 5-HTTLPR S allele Caspi et al. However, most human studies have focused on the increased vulnerability of individuals carrying the 5-HTT S allele Canli and Lesch, to stressful events during adulthood, and no attempts has been made link animals to model the increased Psychosofial to adult chronic psychosocial stressors conferred by a partial genetic deficiency in 5-HTT.]

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