How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Cause Ww2 - Custom Academic Help

How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Cause Ww2 - pity

Hitler and Mussolini violated the Treaty of Versailles and built up their armies to invade other countries. Italy invaded Ethiopia to start another Italian empire. Germany built up its army, created a new air force, the Luftwaffe, and sent troops into the Rhineland. Japan left the League of Nations and invaded Manchuria. By the time European leaders wanted to take action, it was too late. Still they tried to find a solution. Great Britain, under the leadership of Neville Chamberlain, wanted to seek a policy of appeasement, which is giving in to reasonable demands to avoid a conflict. The peace treaty they created, The Treaty of Versailles, was created to reprimand the nations responsible for the war and to stop any future wars from happening. How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Cause Ww2

These changes were recognized in, but not caused by, the Treaty of Versailles. The treaties generally included guarantees of minority rights, but there was no enforcement mechanism.

Invasion of Poland

The new states of eastern Europe mostly all had large ethnic minorities. Millions of Germans found themselves in the newly created countries as minorities. More than two million ethnic Hungarians found themselves living outside of Hungary in Czechoslovakia, Romania and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Many of these national minorities found themselves in hostile situations because the modern governments were intent on defining national character of the countries, often Versail,es the expense of the other nationalities.

How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Cause Ww2

The interwar years were hard for religious minorities in the new states built around ethnic nationalism. The Jews were especially distrusted because of their minority religion and distinct subculture. This was a dramatic come-down from the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Cause Ww2

Although antisemitism had been widespread during Habsburg rule, Jews faced no official discrimination because they were, for the most part, ardent supporters of the multi-national state and the monarchy. Although many states were set up as democracies after the war, one by one, with the exception of Czechoslovakia, they reverted to some form of authoritarian rule.

In What Ways Did the Causes of Ww1 Differ from Those of Ww2?

Many quarreled amongst themselves but were too weak to compete effectively. Later, when Germany rearmed, the nation states of south-central Europe were unable to resist its attacks, and fell under German domination to a much greater extent than had ever existed in Austria-Hungary.

The occupation of Smyrna by Greece on 18 May triggered a nationalist movement to rescind the terms of the treaty. On the eastern front, after the invasion of Armenia in and signing of the Treaty of Kars with the Russian Thr. Turkey took over territory lost to Armenia and post-Imperial Russia. With the nationalists empowered, the army marched on to reclaim Istanbul, resulting in the Chanak Crisis in which the British Prime Minister, David Lloyd Georgewas forced to resign. As a result, Turkey became the only power of World War I to overturn the terms of its defeat, and negotiate with the Allies as an equal. The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire became a pivotal How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Cause Ww2 in the creation of the modern Middle East, the result of which Ov witness to the creation of new conflicts and hostilities in the region.

Inflation more than doubled between and its peak inwhile the value of the Pound Sterling consumer expenditure [18] fell by War reparations in the form of free German coal depressed local industry, precipitating the General Strike.

Primary Causes

Most of this was replaced in and all immediately after the war. Battles such as Gallipoli for Australia and New Zealand, and Cauxe Ridge for Canada led to increased national pride and a greater reluctance to remain subordinate to Britain, leading to the growth of diplomatic autonomy in the s.

These battles were often decorated in propaganda in these nations as symbolic of their power Die the war. Colonies such as the British Raj India and Nigeria also became increasingly assertive because of their participation in the war. The populations in these countries became increasingly aware of their own power and Britain's fragility. Cartoon predicting the aftermath of the war by Henry J. Glintenkamp, first published in The Masses in In Irelandthe delay in finding a resolution to the Home Rule issueexacerbated How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Cause Ww2 the Government's severe response to the Easter Rising and its failed attempt to introduce conscription in Ireland inled to an increased support Nurturant parent model separatist radicals.

This led indirectly to the outbreak of the Irish War of Independence in The creation of the Irish Free State that followed this conflict in effect represented a territorial loss for the UK that was all but equal to the loss sustained by Germany, and furthermore, compared to Germany, a much greater loss in terms of its ratio to the country's prewar territory.]

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