Cultural Revolution: The Scientific Revolution - Custom Academic Help

Cultural Revolution: The Scientific Revolution - something

April 10, April 10, busy bonebusy bone 0 Comment Choose one of the following topics to write a coherent paper. Why was the Cultural Revolution happened? How had the lives of various groups of people in China been affected? What were the results of the revolution? In these materials, how do the authors portray that the Cultural Revolution was played on fear as much as fervor, on selfish interest as well as collective concerns and class consciousness? The autographic style book by Dr.

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The Scientific Revolution: Crash Course History of Science #12 Cultural Revolution: The Scientific Revolution. Cultural Revolution: The Scientific Revolution

Background[ edit ] Libya's population is based on a traditional Islamic society centred around the mosque and family gatherings. The ruling Italians and their attempt to westernize Libya was not favoured by Libyans. Gaddafi was able to let the Libyan tribes accord him as a leader and not oppose was his promise to keep Libya a traditional Islamic society where his numerous speeches addressing the importance of Islam is what made people like him. Although the coup had been met with widespread public approval, the RCC members had limited education and no government experience. The country experienced mismanagement, confusion, disorder and economic difficulties, including widespread unemployment. Although he was the recognized leader Analysis Shawshank Redemption the ruling RCC, Gaddafi's difficult and petulant behaviour, widening ambition, increasing hubris, and increasingly authoritarian approach towards his colleagues had led to tensions which culminated in the RCC demanding his resignation.

Gaddafi refused on the basis that the RCC which had come to power, including Gaddafi, in a coup had not been elected, and therefore it could not ask for or accept his Cultural Revolution: The Scientific Revolution.

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When RCC members responded that Gaddafi was unelected with them, he agreed to make a speech in Zuwara announcing his resignation to the people, rather than the RCC. Instead he used the speech to declare the beginning of a cultural revolution, and used the rapid mass Cultural Revolution: The Scientific Revolution of his supporters to establish his uncontested leadership over the country. It was during the early stages of the Cultural Revolution that Libya led Arab nations in the oil crisis as the first to impose an oil embargo on the USA. The five points[ edit ] The "remaking of Libyan society" contained in Gaddafi's ideological visions began to be put into practice formally beginning in with a so-called cultural or popular revolution.

Cultural Revolution: The Scientific Revolution

This revolution was designed to combat bureaucratic inefficiency, lack of public interest and participation in the subnational governmental system, and problems of national political coordination. The Cultural Revolution was organized around an official five point program: The annulment of all existing laws The repression of communism, ba'athismconservatism, fascism, atheists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and capitalism. The distribution of arms to the people Administrative reform and a purge of the administration The promotion of Islamic thought and rejection of un-Islamic ideas from other countries and cultures.

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Formation of People's Committees[ edit ] People's Committees were established throughout the country to introduce or enforce the Cultural Revolution and to control the revolution from below. In an attempt to instill revolutionary fervor into his compatriots and to involve large numbers of them in political affairs, Gaddafi urged them to challenge traditional authority and to take over and run government organs themselves. The instrument for doing this was Revolutiob People's Committees. Within a few months, such committees were found all across Libya.


There were two types Revolutiin: People's Committees — functional and geographical — and these institutions eventually became responsible for local and regional administration. Functional People's Committees were established in such widely divergent organizations as universities, private business firms, government bureaucracies, and the broadcast media. Geographical People's Committees were formed at the governorate, municipal, and zone lowest levels.

Cultural Revolution: The Scientific Revolution

Seats on the People's Committees at the zone level were Cultural Revolution: The Scientific Revolution by direct popular election; members so elected could then be selected for service at higher levels. By mid estimates of the number of People's Committees ranged above 2, In the scope of their administrative and regulatory tasks and the method of their members' selection, the People's Committees purportedly embodied the concept of direct democracy that Gaddafi propounded in the first volume of The Green Bookwhich appeared The same concept lay behind proposals to create a new political structure composed of "People's Congresses. Suppression of dissent[ edit ] One of the major effects of the empowerment of the People's Committees was the persecution of enemies of the regime.

The Committees acted as local organs of the national government. They dismissed many civil servants and state employees from their posts.

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At the same time, agents from East Germany 's Stasi helped develop Culturall which engaged in more brutal suppression of regime opponents. Stasi assistance came despite the openly stated intention to suppress both communism and atheism, because Gaddafi's stated policy was that he was a socialistanti-imperialistanti-capitalist and anti-American.

Purges of initially concentrated on university students in Tripoli and Benghazi and on Libyan army officers.]

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