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Multiculturalism In Canada Case Study Multiculturalism In Canada Case Study

Abstract It has been suggested that the dynamics of acculturation affect the lives of both immigrants and members of the host societies where immigrants live Berry, ; Whether or not a pluralistic-multicultural policy exists and is accepted by members of the established and emerging communities will affect the strategies of acculturation that are used by immigrant groups and individuals. This paper examines the attitudes of young Canadians and immigrants to Canada regarding the nature of Canadian identity and their sense of ethnicity.

Multiculturalism In Canada Case Study

Along with an assessment of their strategies of acculturation and self-reports of the meaning of being Canadian and ethnic are examined. Introduction Common sense suggests, and developmental psychology confirms, that Multlculturalism the time persons grow to adulthood, their sense of who they are--or psychosocial identity--is already formed. Adults immigrants, who are often selected on the basis of their educational qualifications and occupational skills, would link only have a well Night Survival Theme In occupational identity, but also a personal and cultural one by the time they set their feet on Canadian Multiculturalism In Canada Case Study. If, as a nation, we had accepted a melting pot model, we would have liked immigrants to trade most aspects of their cultural and Casd identity for Canadian content--save perhaps their occupational identities.

Indeed, we would prefer to have them bolster rather than shed their occupational identities, join our labour force, and contribute to our common wealth. However, having adopted a multicultural policy, Canada does not ask each immigrant to trade all old ways for new. We would rather have all newcomers selectively retain some valuable aspects of their ancestral legacy so as to enrich the cultural fabric Multiculturalism In Canada Case Study our society.

It is but natural that the first generation of immigrants must first adapt to the local weather, food, language and accent, work place and technology, and a myriad of other aspects of individual and social life. Once "settled" in some social niche more or less securely, the first generation is ready to turn to the "finer" aspects of the ancestral culture: literature and specialised knowledge, fine or performing arts, religious Multiculturalizm spiritual values, and so on.

It is in cherishing such aspects of ancestral cultural legacy that immigrants retain what we often call an "ethnic" identity. In many instances, individuals make strong commitments and great sacrifices to the preservation, learning, and propagation of some favourite art, science, religion, or spiritual pursuit typical of their ancestral culture. While various aspects of ancestral culture are collectively shared in ethnic communities, individuals within each community tend to vary widely in terms of Multiculturalosm specific aspects of ancestral or Canadian culture are combined to forge unique personal identities.

In this paper, we intend to present some data to show how individuals combine specific meanings, values, and other elements of ancestral Multiculturalism In Canada Case Study national cultures to locate themselves in the multicultural mosaic of Canada.

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Since it is impossible to consider each individual in terms of his or her unique sense of identity, we learn more here offer a broad typology in terms of relative preferences for ethnic versus national identity elements. Since acculturation is an ongoing process that continues across life cycles and also across generations, it is necessary and useful to distinguish between some common differences between the more recent and older immigrants, and between those of first and second generation.

Multiculturalism In Canada Case Study members of the first generation are often involved in building institutional structures to protect and preserve their cultural identities: churches or temples, art organisations, schools, clubs, and so on. Multiculturalism will not go very far unless the finer aspects of their ancestral cultures, often preserved at a great cost of sweat and toil by the first generation, are passed on to the next.

Canada would hardly have been a technically advanced democratic society today unless the lessons of European Enlightenment and the French Revolution had not been passed to the successive generations by the early European settlers. In as much as the "founding nations" have preserved the traditions Multiculturalism In Canada Case Study British Common Law and the Napoleonic code, of Shakespeare and Montaigne, we now have entrenched values and institutions that define the identity of the Canadian "mainstream.

Multiculturalism In Canada Case Study

On the other side, at home and through the "ethnic" institutions created by their forebears, members of the second generation get to develop an ethnic aspect of their identities. The dual cultural upbringing at home and outside helps develop hyphenated identities like Scottish-Canadian, Chinese-Canadian and so on.

Multiculturalism In Canada Case Study Canadian born youth, developing hyphenated identities that combine common national identity elements with ethnic elements is both an opportunity for enrichment, as well as a formidable full of conflicts. Given that youth and early adulthood is a critical period for identity formation, our research is focused on differing ways in which youth make a choice between national and ethnic identity elements.

In conceptualising a broad typology based on differing preferences for ancestral versus national identity, we follow the work of John Berry of Queens University.

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Berry's framework is based upon the multicultural ideology where individuals and groups are given the opportunity to chose among various elements of traditional and host cultures to form their own unique blends of identity and culture. Arising from answers to two fundamental questions, Berry's scheme Multiculturalism In Canada Case Study Acculturative Attitudes enables psychologists and social scientists to assess and understand the diversity of identities to which various immigrant and Canadian born individuals ascribe.

First, he asks: "Is it considered to be of value to maintain cultural identity and characteristics? Berry's Scheme of Acculturative Attitude Styles Berry, Is it considered to of value to maintain cultural identity and characteristics?]

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