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Women In Medea By Euripides

Women In Medea By Euripides Video

The Trojan Women by Euripides - A Virtual Performance Women In Medea By Euripides

Background[ edit ] After Oedipus leaves Thebes, his sons fight for control of it. Polynices lays siege to Thebes against his brother Eteocles. Polynices has married the daughter of Adrastus, King of Argos.

Women In Medea By Euripides

And so Polynices has on his side the Argive army, leaders of which are the Seven against Thebes. The invaders lose the battle, and Polynices and Women In Medea By Euripides both die. Creon takes power in Thebes and decrees the invaders are not to be buried. The mothers of the dead seek someone to help reverse this, so their sons can be buried. Story[ edit ] Aethrathe mother of the Athenian king Theseusprays before the altar of Demeter and Persephone in Eleusis. She is surrounded by women from Argos whose sons died in battle outside the gates of Thebes. Adrastusthe king of Argos who authorized the expedition, lies weeping on the floor surrounded by the sons of the slain warriors. Aethra has sent a messenger to Theseus asking him to come to Eleusis. Theseus arrives. When he asks his mother what is going on, she directs him to Adrastus who begs him to reclaim the bodies. Adrastus explains that he supported the attack on Thebes, against the advice of the seer Amphiarausin deference to his sons-in-law, Tydeus and Polynices.

Women In Medea By Euripides

Theseus observes that he favored courage over discretion. Admitting his mistakes, Adrastus appeals to Theseus as the ruler of the only city with the integrity and the power to stand up to Thebes. He tells Adrastus to go away and leave him alone. Although Adrastus is ready to concede, the women will not take no for an answer.

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Appealing to principles of common human decency, they beg Aethra to intervene. She reminds her son that he has a duty to uphold the ancient Women In Medea By Euripides of Hellas and warns him that his refusal might be interpreted as cowardice. Moved by her tears and arguments, Theseus agrees to Ib, but only if the Athenian citizens endorse his decision. Confident that the people will support him, he and his mother set out for home, followed by Adrastus and the sons of the slain warriors, while the suppliant women pray that Theseus will prevail. Some time later Theseus returns with a retinue. He dispatches his herald to Thebes to request the release of the bodies.

If they cooperate, he says, thank them and come back.

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If they refuse, tell them Theseus will be in arms at their gates with the full backing of the Athenian people. Before the herald can leave, however, a herald from Thebes arrives looking for the local despot. When Theseus tells him that Athens is not Women In Medea By Euripides by a despot, but by the people, the herald adopts a disparaging tone. His city, he tells Theseus, is ruled by one man, not by an ignorant mob that is easily swayed by specious words.

Theseus responds by saying that in a democracy every man can make a contribution if what he says is wise. The herald warns Theseus not to succumb to the patriotic fervor of the populace. When the herald warns him against meddling in something that does not concern him, Theseus states his resolve to do what is right and holy.

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The herald taunts him to bring it on, while Theseus tells his army to prepare for the attack. He will lead the way with a sword in his hand and the gods at his side. The herald leaves for Thebes with http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/sociological-imagination-essay/summary-of-fed-up-by-stephanie-soechtig.php and his men in close pursuit. They pointedly leave Adrastus behind so as not to confuse their current mission with the previous invasion.

Women In Medea By Euripides

As the men depart, the women express their fears of additional violence. They hope a compromise can be reached but offer prayers for victory just in case it cannot. A messenger — a former servant of Capaneus who had been captured by the Thebans — arrives to announce the Athenian victory. After describing how Theseus forced the Theban army to retreat into the city, he reports that Theseus restrained his men http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/summer-plan-essay/conflict-in-the-interlopers.php the gates, telling them that they had come to rescue the bodies, not to sack the city.]

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