The Odyssey And Rewarded In Homers Odyssey - congratulate
Which one does he fit best? Pirates are also well known as very mean people. Odysseus, the hero from the Trojan wars, has led his people of Ithaca and other Achaean soldiers to victory and now wishes to return home to his wife and family of Ithaca. Through his twenty year journey Odysseus is often tested not only of his physical strength, but his wits as well. The many accomplishments he achieved earned Character Analysis Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey Words 5 Pages The Odyssey by Homer discusses all the challenges Odysseus went through to get home in the 20 years he was gone, which portrayed how to be a good leader and work hard. He fought in the Trojan War for 10 years, and then took the dangerous, unpredictable route home for 10 more. The Odyssey And Rewarded In Homers Odyssey.Essay about The Character of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey
Odyssey Throughout the epic of The Odyssey of Homer, Odysseus, Odyssdy main protagonist, receives help, and is frowned upon by the gods. Athena, the gray-eyed goddess, or the daughter of Zeus, is the most predominant goddess in the epic. After hearing the words of Athena, Telemachus chose to here home to Ithaca.

Upon departure for town, Athena sent a thick cloud of mist to surround Odysseus to protect him from the Phaeacians. Also, eRwarded Odysseus arrives back in his homeland of Ithaca after 11 years of absence, he is transformed into an elderly man by Athena to disguise himself so none of the Ithacans would recognize Odysseus. Athena, in the guise of Mentor, assists Odysseus, Telemachus, and Eumaes by diverting the arrows, and spears thrown by the suitors during the slaughter. In the end, Athena persuades Odysseus to not resort to violence towards the suitors family members and friend. Zeus, warfare Essays Aerial ruler of all the gods, goddesses, and everything else, and is the most superior and powerful god out of all. During the epic, Zeus uses his powers to help Odysseus, and also uses them to hinder him.
This is where Zeus is a hindrance towards Odysseus. Polyphemus trapped Odysseus and his crew, and devoured most of them. To escape Odysseus threw a spear into the eye of the Cyclops, thus blinding him. But if his fate let him see his dear ones once again and reach his Tye home, his native land, then let him struggle back- a battered man, The Odyssey And Rewarded In Homers Odyssey all his comrades lost, and on a ship of strangers. Throughout the epic, Poseidon does everything in his power to bring hardship upon Odysseus and his crew.
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Hermes, the messenger god, and the guide for the souls on their way to Hades, is a minor god in the epic. Hermes is the god in which Zeus sends to Calypso to demand her to free Odysseus. Hermes also appears in the end of the epic when he is leading the shades of the slaughtered suitors to Hades.

All in all, the gods and goddesses in The Odyssey of Homer played extremely important roles in the epic. Athena, the most important, acted as a guardian to Telemachus and Odysseus, Zeus was the ruler of all, and changed the way the epic may have turned out, Poseidon inflicted pain, and suffering to Odysseus, and his crew throughout their journey, and Hermes was the messenger. Without the gods, and goddesses in this epic, Odyssej throughout the epic may have turned out differently.]

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