Summary: A Defense Of Ethical Relativism - Custom Academic Help

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That is, whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced. Moral or ethical relativism is the idea that what is considered moral or immoral depends on the accepted behaviors within the society in which the determination is made. This claim is often interpreted as an argument for relativism. The epistemological and moral consequences of relativism are that whatever an individual thinks or believes to be true, is true. Moreover, according to relativism, if two individuals, Person A and Person B, believe Cultural Relativism And Anti Foundationalism Words 7 Pages cultural relativism and anti-foundationalism in philosophy. Cultural Relativism is a philosophical doctrine that makes the claim that moral or ethical systems, which vary from culture to culture, are relative to culture and therefore equally valid. This is the chief argument to support the anti-foundationalist view of the pre-Socratic era that denies the possibility of an ethical or moral foundation, because of the multitude of cultural differences in ethical values. The concepts of Ethical Relativism teach that societies evolve over time and change to fit circumstances. It exists in our lives and compares to other theories, such as moral nihilism, skepticism, subjectivism, and soft and hard universalism. Ethical relativism is the theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of one 's culture.

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Summary: A Defense Of Ethical Relativism Summary: A Defense Of Ethical Relativism

He ran a school founded on the progressive teaching methods of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi and also served as Secretary of the Derby Philosophical Societya scientific society which had been founded in by Erasmus Darwinthe grandfather of Charles Darwin. Spencer was educated in empirical science by his father, while the members of the Derby Philosophical Society introduced him to pre-Darwinian concepts of biological evolution, particularly those of Erasmus Darwin and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. His uncle, the Reverend Thomas Summary: A Defense Of Ethical Relativism, [9] vicar of Hinton Charterhouse near BathEtbical Spencer's limited formal education by teaching him some mathematics and physics, and enough Latin to enable him to translate some easy texts. Thomas Spencer also imprinted on his nephew his own firm free-trade and anti-statist political views.

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Otherwise, Spencer was an autodidact who acquired most of his knowledge from narrowly focused readings and conversations with his friends and acquaintances. He worked as a civil engineer during the railway boom of the late s, while also devoting much of his time to writing for provincial journals that were nonconformist in their religion and radical in their politics. Writing[ edit ] Spencer published his first book, Social Staticswhilst working as sub-editor on the free-trade journal The Economist from to He predicted that humanity RRelativism eventually become completely adapted to the requirements of living in society with the consequential withering away of the state. Its publisher, John Chapmanintroduced Spencer to his salon which was attended by many of the leading radical and progressive thinkers of the capital, including John Stuart Mill Summary: A Defense Of Ethical Relativism, Harriet MartineauGeorge Henry Lewes and Mary Ann Evans George Eliotwith whom Dedense was briefly romantically linked.

Summary: A Defense Of Ethical Relativism

Spencer himself introduced the biologist Thomas Henry Huxleywho would later win fame as 'Darwin's Bulldog' and who remained his lifelong friend. However, it was the friendship of Evans and Lewes that acquainted him with John Stuart Mill's A System of Logic and with Auguste Comte 's positivism and which set him on the road to his life's work. He strongly disagreed with Comte. The book was founded on the fundamental assumption that the human mind was subject to natural laws and that these could be discovered within the framework of general biology.

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This permitted the adoption of a developmental perspective not merely in terms of the individual as in traditional psychologybut also of the species and the race. Through this paradigm, Spencer aimed to reconcile the associationist psychology of Mill's Logic, the notion that human mind was constructed from atomic sensations held together by the laws of the association of ideas, with the apparently more 'scientific' theory of phrenologywhich located specific mental functions in specific parts of the brain.

The Psychology, he believed, would do for the human mind Summayr: Isaac Newton had done for matter.

Summary: A Defense Of Ethical Relativism

Spencer's interest in psychology derived from a more fundamental concern Summaru: was to establish the universality of natural law. This was in contrast to the views of many theologians of the time who insisted that some parts of creation, in particular the human soul, were beyond the realm of scientific investigation.

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However, Spencer differed from Comte in believing it was possible to discover a single law of universal application which he identified with progressive development and was to call the principle of evolution. In Spencer produced an outline Summary: A Defense Of Ethical Relativism what was to become the System of Synthetic Philosophy. This immense undertaking, which has few parallels in the English language, aimed to demonstrate that the principle of evolution applied in biology, psychology, sociology Spencer appropriated Comte's term for the new discipline and morality. Spencer envisaged that this work of ten volumes would take twenty years to complete; Etbical the end it took him twice as long and consumed almost all the rest of his long life.]

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