How Did The Agricultural Revolution Lead To The Industrial - Custom Academic Help

How Did The Agricultural Revolution Lead To The Industrial

How Did The Agricultural Revolution Lead To The Industrial - think

How did agricultural revolution lead to the Industrial Revolution? It lead to the industrial revolution becasue when enclosure when small strips of land were made into large pieces of land took place and when there was new technology in the agricultural industry so they didn't need as many farmers as they had so many of those farmers and their families went to the city where all the factories were. The large supply of people lead to factories being successful and well therefore came the industrial. The period of time covered by the Industrial Revolution varies with different historians. Eric Hobsbawm held that it 'broke out' in Britain in the s and was not fully felt until the s or s,3 while T. How Did The Agricultural Revolution Lead To The Industrial How Did The Agricultural Revolution Lead To The Industrial

In Africa, there is a product which smallholder farms urgently need, yet which few understand or think they can afford: insurance. Droughts, pests, floods, and other natural maladies can devastate a crop for the year and put farmers — as well as whole communities — at great risk of extreme hardship.

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Yet, with few exceptions, the idea of paying a premium seems like wasted expense for populations unfamiliar with insurance. Worse, the cost of selling low-value policies, servicing them, managing claims, and combating potential fraud are prohibitive for an industry that has to keep costs super-low to make its offerings affordable for these target customers. This is a prime opportunity to illustrate the principles of Costovation — the application of innovation tools to achieve dramatically lower costs while still meeting customer needs.

Many firms before them had endeavored to educate farmers about the virtues of insurance, but it was a costly, uphill task that still Invustrial many problems remaining.]

How Did The Agricultural Revolution Lead To The Industrial

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