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Body Language is an indispensable part of Strengthened Communication skills April 21, Aatif Hashmi Body Language as a cornerstone of effective communication We are all familiar with the positive affirmations associated with good communication skills. Great speakers keep their bodies open to avoid barriers between themselves and others. Body language is a crucial pillar of non-verbal communication that occurs without any oral or written form. Body language is an unspoken element that we use to display our innermost emotions and feelings. As opposed to the earlier times when people used to communicate in the absence of verbal language and primarily through gestures, we have come a long way. Communication In Dentist Communication Skills Communication In Dentist Communication Skills

It is not always appreciated that these new forms of communication are required to conform to the same professional and ethical standards as the more traditional media. Dental Councils around the world, just like their medical counterparts, have been wrestling with the regulatory implications of these forms of communication which cross national and jurisdictional boundaries. Information and advice can now be accessed by patients in one part of the world, from healthcare professionals based and registered in another part of the world, and over Denfist the local regulatory body usually has no jurisdiction.

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When the information provided is inaccurate or misleading, or perhaps when the advice conflicts with the policy or standards of the national regulatory body, this can create a potentially difficult dilemma for any regulatory body to resolve, within the powers at its disposal. Websites The demand from patients wanting to learn more about healthcare choices is growing rapidly.

The web is increasingly used Communication In Dentist Communication Skills dental patients to obtain further information on particular treatments that they have heard about, or which have been proposed for them, as well as for general information on oral healthcare and where they might elect to receive it.

Communication In Dentist Communication Skills

But is important to realise that the information you provide to a patient via your website, and the expectations that this information might generate in the patient's mind, will become an integral part of the overall consent process.

A patient may well rely upon information that they have obtained from your website, unless they have been given further information which applies more specifically to their own individual circumstances.

Why is Body Language crucial to master?

Although it is natural for dentists to want their websites to present the benefits of dentistry and the range of treatment available and perhaps their facilities in the best possible light, this must not be done in a way which suggests or implies superiority over other dentists, or which makes claims that cannot be substantiated, or which are potentially misleading or untrue.

In general, comparative advertising or promotional statements are best avoided. However, by including items such as pictures of the staff and the dental surgery, an overview Communication In Dentist Communication Skills your services and perhaps a location map, you can start to convey the feel and values of your practice.

Communication In Dentist Communication Skills

By publishing examples of the range of fees charged click at this page the payment methods accepted by the practice you can reduce the incidence of new patients who either didn't know that they might have to pay at the time of their initial consultation, or who were Communication In Dentist Communication Skills of the sums that could be involved. This minimises the potential for complaints regarding financial matters.

Images Once any image file has been placed on the Internet there is no control over ownership and usage. Such images could then be copied and freely distributed. It is essential, therefore, to obtain the consent of any patient or other person of whom you are contemplating to use an image from which that person could be recognised. Images should be tasteful and used with sensitivity, given the accessibility of the material to a wide audience. Avoid using images that might be misleading, or capable of raising patient expectations to an unrealistic level. Links Any decision to Communication In Dentist Communication Skills links to other websites should only be taken after the most careful consideration.

Any such link could create problems by association; even when the content of your own website is beyond criticism, you have no day-to-day influence over the content of the remote site, the controller of which might decide to change the material it posts without you being aware of this fact. These are relatively early days for dental websites, most of which by comparison with many other organisations are fairly undeveloped at this stage - although there are notable exceptions to this.

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In the USA, the plethora of available online information has in some respects served only to create greater confusion for patients, rather than providing consumers with better quality and more reliable information. Many manufacturers have created a 'virtual' market by developing attractive, sophisticated websites that purport to be independent and providing public information, but in fact are well disguised marketing platforms promoting one of more specific products or services in order to create a demand when the patients next Communication In Dentist Communication Skills their dentist. Some such sites even direct patients to specific providers, some of whom pay a fee for the referral - all of which can cause dento-legal problems for the dentist concerned.

For all these reasons, the American Accreditation Healthcare Commission URAC is developing an accreditation programme for healthcare sites on the Internet, and it may be read more this kind of approach will, in the long-term, help to reassure patients that the information they are obtaining is from a reputable source.

Communication In Dentist Communication Skills

URAC's web address is provided on the facing page. E-risks A look at some of the dento-legal problems associated with websites, email and other forms of digital communication. Email All the personal information you accumulate about a patient by virtue of your professional relationship with them, is bound by the ethical principle of professional confidentiality, as well as by the separate legal requirements under the Data Protection Act ]

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