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Behavior Change Goal Report Behavior Change Goal Report

Ideally, using these theories would 1 help Behavior Change Goal Report the design of the persuasive technology and 2 help evaluate and inform the theory. Rfport this paper, we focused on the first aspect and looked at how papers report on how a theory guided the design of persuasive technology. We performed a scoping review focused on the operationalization of social comparison theory as part of persuasive design. We chose social comparison due to its ubiquitous use in persuasive design as well as its potential positive or negative influence on the user.

The former requires careful consideration in a persuasive design prototype.

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We focused on the proceedings of the Persuasive Technology conference from to to gain an understanding of the use of social comparison theory as part of persuasive design. Twelve Chqnge met our inclusion criteria. Explanations of Behavior Change Goal Report the theory guides design decisions leading to the final operationalization were sparse. We suggest that conducting manipulation checks and using a systematic approach to reporting design decisions including the potential grounding of design elements in theory could highlight and clarify theoretical insights, and could increase our understanding of how social comparison—and behavior change theory in general—could be efficiently operationalized in persuasive technologies.

Introduction Persuasive technologies often employ theories from other Behavior Change Goal Report including psychology, social sciences, or medicine to encourage or support a specific behavior change in the user. The use of such behavior change theories can contribute to an increased effect size of behavior change interventions Webb et al.

However, interventions often fail due to projects being too ambitious and lacking a detailed understanding of the principles for effective persuasive designs Lehto, Critique on the general design research field indicates that the reflection on research findings that can be fed back into the original theory is often missing Cash, Ideally, theory can help guide and ground the process of persuasive technology, and in turn, Goa evaluation of the persuasive designs can help evaluate and inform the theory.

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With this scoping review we wanted to get a first idea of how theory is operationalized as part of persuasive design prototypes insofar as it is reported in papers. We chose to just focus on one theory to get a better understanding of the space of operationalizations. The Evolution of Social Comparison Social comparison theory was initially proposed by Festinger and focused Behavior Change Goal Report the human drive to compare personal abilities and opinions to other people in the absence Reoort objective and non-social norms. The theory outlined different aspects Behabior as the preference of comparing oneself to people who are close to one's own abilities and opinions Festinger, Research furthermore indicates that this comparison direction—including upward comparing one's situation to someone who is perceived to be superiorlateral comparing one's situation to someone who is perceived to be on the same leveland downward comparing one's situation to someone who is perceived to be worse —has a significant influence on the effect of social comparison Corcoran et al.

There are different definitions of social comparison and what it entails. In the context of this study, we refer to Michie et al. Note: being in a group setting does not necessarily mean that social comparison is Behavior Change Goal Report taking place. Social Comparison As Part of Behavior Change Intervention As discussed in the previous section, social comparison is a and complex theory which can be understood in various ways.

Behavior Change Goal Report

This is also reflected in the way the theory is operationalized and conceptualized in technology. For example, social comparison can have positive effects on individuals' behavior and state of mind Corcoran et al. In addition, the way social comparison has been implemented varies Behavior Change Goal Report in terms of the type and dimension Repodt comparison as well as design specific features that evoke the comparison effect Mylonopoulou et al. Social comparison is embedded various forms, for example, leaderboards, sharing information with and allowing connection between users, modeling of the correct behavior as well as the provision of normative feedback as part of group settings Arigo et al.

Behavior Change Goal Report

Including these details would allow gaining a better understanding of how social comparison can be effectively used as part of such applications Arigo and Suls, A critique which also Behavior Change Goal Report been expressed in the general context of behavior change designs Lehto, In the context of this review, we refer to the term grounding as an explanation of how the theory was implemented in the design prototype. We performed a scoping review focusing on the proceedings of the Persuasive Technology conference from to and looked Behavior Change Goal Report several characteristics relevant to social comparison as well as the operationalization process of the theory. We chose to scope this review on the Persuasive Technology conference proceedings because the conference is specifically focused on designing and implementing persuasive or behavior change strategies into technology, which requires the authors to think about how to operationalize the chosen theory in terms of design features.

Research Question The research question for this scoping review was: How is social comparison operationalized as part of persuasive technology?

The Key to Lasting Behavioral Change: Think Goal, Not Tactic

With this research question, we wanted to identify how social comparison is operationalized as part of persuasive design prototypes. We were also interested in the process and explanation of using the theory to develop a design prototype. Scoping Review 4. We used the Persuasive Technology proceedings database 1 for the purpose of the review which consists of papers published between and We used three inclusion criteria: 1 The use of Behavior Change Goal Report comparison as part of the study intervention; 2 report on the development of a design prototype; and 3 involvement of participants as part of the design evaluation process.

Behavior Change Goal Report

All papers were assessed for eligibility and coded by two reviewers both authors. In a first step, abstracts and titles were assessed and in a consequent step, eligible papers were read in full.]

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