Graduation Speech: My Heros Journey - Custom Academic Help

Graduation Speech: My Heros Journey

Graduation Speech: My Heros Journey Video

Viola Davis: Barnard Commencement 2019 Graduation Speech: My Heros Journey

To start off the series of On the Rise forI reached out to an amazing young lady whose patience, hard work and determination landed her to the career she always wanted. Amira Onibudo, the founder of Unleash Yourselfleft a well-known entertainment company to focus on the skills she needed to be successful. Two years later after making that decision, she returned to that same company with not only the tools but a proactive mindset.

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I started off in a new career that I had been praying for, for almost 2 years. It is truly bittersweet.

Graduation Speech: My Heros Journey

I was fortunate to land a job directly after college at VH1. I worked in all aspects of production and truly loved diving into the fun world of content creation. However, the more I created content the more I wanted to know the bigger picture. The why?

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Why are we creating this content, how do we know who our audience is? In what different ways are we reaching them? Why do we need a certain amount of views every month? My curiosity got me intrigued with the world of marketing. Everyone was confused as to why I left such a notable company to work in a field that no one even heard of, but I knew God had a bigger plan for me, and I trusted it.

I am so passionate about bridging the gap between content creation and content distribution. It is imperative for Graduation Speech: My Heros Journey students to be adept in both Graduation Speech: My Heros Journey. Especially with the rise of new media, digital, and social media. It will provide more innovative strategies to propel brands towards success.

While working in marketing I still had a thirst for knowledge and started spontaneously applying to graduate school programs. I got into Seton Hall University almost instantly. In my program I learned more about PR, brand management, strategic communications, employee relations, integrated marketing, and so much more. My graduate school program confirmed for me that I made the right decision in leaving VH1 and wanting more out of my career.

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Grafuation Where were you 6 months after graduation? I loved my job and what I was doing but I knew I wanted more for myself. I went from producing content to creating strategies for it. What prompted you to start your blog? Unleash Yourself was created solely because of fear. So while in my graduate school program I had to take a presentation class that literally made me soooo nervous. I absolutely hate doing presentations and here I am enrolled in a mandatory class that required me to give a presentation literally every week. I hated it.

Graduation Speech: My Heros Journey

The irony is that everyone in class hated it too.

We learned that the most feared thing in the world is public speaking. What was holding all of us back from being superstar presenters? It was like a light clicked in my head and I said wow we really need to unleash this boss inside of us and conquer these presentations. That book literally blew my mind.]

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