Advantages Of Ethnography - Custom Academic Help

Advantages Of Ethnography - opinion

That is why I decided to choose the spiritual practice of Sabbath — where I took one hour period in my week and dedicated it to simply rest and rejuvenate — and nothing more. While Sabbath and Kathy both come from abnormal homes, their respective upbringings inform the way they relate to the world and how they show affection. Sabbath will show love and attention towards anyone or anything. In a career oriented society, this saying is much like a balance with the scale leaning significantly towards the hard work portion. For me personally, I see tired, overworked people everywhere. Sense the moment I started my journey to heaven, the Sabbath kept finding a way to have concern with me. It was like I was unconsciously felt there was something missing on this matter, something conflicting. Of all the topics and points of interest, none has intrigued me as much as the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As you read this study there is one main point that all Christians will agree on. It may not be the day of the week or the hour of the day Jesus died, but we will all agree to the fact that Jesus Halik Words 15 Pages and the man you now have is not your husband.

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Advantages Of Ethnography Advantages Of Ethnography Advantages Of Ethnography

Rather than just reading the words and hoping to remember what we read, assigning Advantages Of Ethnography now gives us the following advantages: The codes left a trail of the thought process during the reading. We will be able to find the ideas later We will be able to associate related sections of the data to each other We read article how many times the same attribute was used and which were primary and secondary. How do ethnographers prepare for coding? The purpose of qualitative research is to answer a research question. Therefore, before we begin to work with the raw data, we must be certain that we are also focused on this goal. Aside from concentrating on the research question, ethnographers should consider Advantages Of Ethnography factors in their coding such Advantages Of Ethnography their approach to the research, topics, and efficiency.

Inductive research is more commonly used in qualitative studies Bogden and Biklen, The inductive research approach consists of the researcher reading the data and developing theories based on what appears in the raw data rather than any preconceived notions. The researcher will develop codes DURING the reading of the data and connect ideas in their mind through a process called open coding. Open-coding is a reactive and iterative process between the data and the researcher. As an example, imagine the researcher is reading a transcript and something they read strikes them as familiar, or unusual, or obvious, the data then causes a natural, spontaneous reaction within the researcher. In some circumstances, a researcher may want to know if certain predetermined ideas exist in the data.

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Sometimes a researcher will already have some experience with a topic and they want to further their understanding on this topic. When the researcher wants to use the raw data to prove their ideas or hypothesis, they engage in deductive research. Advantages Of Ethnography this case, the predetermined code is referred to as a priori code. In previous chapters, we discussed how ethical research requires value neutrality.

Advantages Of Ethnography

While deductive research and priori codes are not automatically introducing bias into the coding, the researcher should be especially careful that they only code a section of text with a priori code when there is a very clear connection between the priori code and text. Using both of these methods can help lessen potential biases.

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Coding Families Some codes are used so often in qualitative data analysis that it is almost expected that they will be mentioned at some point in the analysis regardless of the subject matter. Because coding families describe large, overarching concepts i. As always, the selection of a coding family should be determined by how the coding family lends itself to answering the research question. Answer: SoundCloud was founded inmostly as a response to the problem Advantages Of Ethnography moving around large music files. At the time, the options for sending around audio files, which can be uncompressed and very large, were a combination of e-mailing and large file transmission sites, or clunky FTPs. This was the problem SoundCloud stepped in to solve.

SoundCloud was founded in By Advantages Of Ethnography the year that SoundCloud was founded, it gives the reader context as to when this program was created in relation to other world events read article technological advances.

Expert's Answer

Definition of the Situation Codes To explain how the participant understands a situation At the time, the options for sending around audio files, which can be uncompressed and very large, were a combination of e-mailing and large file transmission sites, or clunky FTPs. The participant is explaining the situation from his point of view. Perspectives held by subjects To identify opinions Process codes To identify sequences of events, or changes over time At the Advantagss, the options for sending around audio files, which can be uncompressed and very large, were Advantages Of Ethnography combination of e-mailing and large file transmission sites, or clunky FTPs.]

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