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During the Holocaust, the Nazi police would hurt anyone who spoke out at them. Elie guides us through the horrors of the concentration camps and the horrific actions carried out by Nazi officers. The events of the Holocaust forces the prisoners to fend for themselves, and not help others. In Source A, a young Jewish girl, Anne Frank, wrote in her diary that the Gestapo was taking away Jewish friends and acquaintances and sending them away to concentration camps. She listened to the English radio to later find out that they were being killed and gassed. Source B reveals, that in the steps to genocide, people classified as different are prohibited rights and personal honor. Anti-Semitism and Racial discrimination are just two of the many examples of social injustices that have been exhibited in our society. Examples Of Dehumanization In The Holocaust Words 4 Pages Nazis dehumanize the jews in multiple ways and for multiple reasons in the times of the holocaust. Relationships In The Book Thief

Today I will be performing a monologue. The aim of this showcase was to give voice to a marginalised or minor character, one whose voice is not heard extensively. The air felt like death and the sky was gloomy. Hans and papa have both left for war. Hans Hubermann is a very tall man who walks upright, plays the accordion, and has silver eyes.

Carol Ann Duffy Poems Analysis

Whereas my papa, Alex Steiner is a tailor man and a member of the Nazi party. What on earth was he thinking painting himself black? I remember we all watched papa scrubbing Rwlationships the black off of Rudy and telling him not to ever do it again. Being part of such a big family is awful. I wonder if Liesel gets more or is Rosa as harsh as she looks.

Relationships In The Book Thief

Rudy is always stealing food and not getting caught? I wish he would give some to me instead of being selfish. The first time Rudy and Liesel stole he threw it up at dinner.

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We all loved Hitler and the Nazis before they took papa away. We were winning the war then next minute we are struggling in the war and they took anyone and everyone that could fight. Meaning they took papa and Hans Hubermann. It was an unfair decision between Rudy going to a Nazis training academy and papa Boko to war. Papa was brave to go to war. He was just doing what he had to do to keep us safe. Papa and Hans Hubermann left to go to war and Mama says to hope for the best Relationships In The Book Thief he comes home.

Relationships In The Book Thief

I think she hates Hitler now too. Rudy misses papa the most he has got quite angry and blames Hitler most of the time. I hope they come home.]

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