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The Role Of Women In The 14th Century The Role Of Women In The 14th Century

Female artisans in some cities were, like their male equivalents, organized in guilds.

The Role Of Women In The 14th Century

Christine de Pizan was a noted late medieval writer on women's issues. Her Book of the City of Ladies attacked misogynywhile her The Treasure of the City of Ladies articulated an ideal of feminine virtue for women from walks of life ranging from princess to Centuru wife.

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She will ponder long and hard whether she can do something always preserving the honour of her husband to prevent this war. According to canon lawthe law of the Catholic 14tymarriage was a concrete exclusive bond between husband and wife; giving the husband all power and control in the relationship.

The Role Of Women In The 14th Century

Even though wives had to submit to their husbands' authority, wives still had rights in their marriages. McDougall concurs with Charles Reid's argument that both men and women shared rights in regards 14hh sex and marriage; which includes: "the right to consent to marriage, the right to ask for marital debt or conjugal sexual duty, the right to leave a marriage when they either suspected it was invalid or had grounds to sue for separation, and finally the right to choose one's own place of burial, death being the point at which a spouse's ownership of The Role Of Women In The 14th Century other spouse's body ceased".

Marriage could be proclaimed in secret by the mutually consenting couple, or arranged between families as long as the man and woman were not forced and consented freely; but by the 12th century in western canon law, consent whether in mutual secrecy or in a public sphere between the couple was imperative. Marriage also allowed for the couples' social networks to expand. This was according to Bennett who investigated the marriage of Henry Kroyl Jr. Due to the couples' fathers, Henry Kroyl Sr. Bennett details how Kroyl Jr. Agnes' connections expanded also based on Kroyl Jr. However, Bennett also signifies that a familial alliance between the The Role Of Women In The 14th Century families of origin did not form. Kroyl Jr. Agnes, though all contact with her family did not cease, Womwn social network expanded to her husband's family of origin and his new connections. Widowhood and remarriage[ edit ] Upon the death of a spouse, widows could gain power in inheriting their husbands' property as opposed to adult sons.

Male-preference primogeniture stipulated that the male heir was to inherit their deceased father's land; and in cases of no sons, the eldest daughter would inherit property. However, widows could inherit property when they had minor sons, or if provisions were made for them to inherit. Through court rolls, he Cemtury that many widows this area independently held land successfully.

He argued that some widows may have remarried due to keeping up with their tenure and financial difficulties of holding their inherited land, or community pressures for the said widow to remarry if she had a Wome servant living in her home. Remarriage would put the widow back under the thumb and control of her new husband. Even young widows, who would have had an easier time remarrying, remained independent and unmarried.

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Franklin considers the lives of widows to have been "liberating" because women had more autonomous control over their lives and property; they were able to "argue their own cases in court, hire labour, and cultivate and manage holdings successfully". Remarriage would have affected inheritance of property, especially if the widow had children with her second husband; however there are several cases where sons from the widow's first marriage were able to inherit before the second husband. Conduct books from the period present an image of the role of elite women being to obey their spouse, guard their virtue, produce offspring, and to oversee the operation of the household.]

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