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History[ edit ] Background and first production[ edit ] Rand drew inspiration for Night of January 16th from two sources. The first was The Trial of Mary Dugan , a melodrama about a showgirl prosecuted for killing her wealthy lover, which gave Rand the idea to write a play featuring a trial. Rand wanted her play's ending to depend on the result of the trial, rather than having a fixed final scene. She based her victim on Ivar Kreuger , a Swedish businessman known as the "Match King" for the matchstick-manufacturing monopolies he owned, before he was found dead in March When Kreuger's business empire became financially unstable, he shot himself after being accused of executing underhanded and possibly illegal financial deals. This incident inspired Rand to make the victim a businessman of great ambition and dubious character, who had given several people motives for his murder. The contract included a condition that Woods could make changes to the script. Wary that he would destroy her vision of the play to create a more conventional drama, Rand turned Woods down. Clive staged the play as Woman on Trial in Soon after she rejected the offer from Woods, Rand accepted an offer from Welsh actor E.

Something: Symbols In Faulkners Watchman

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Symbols In Faulkners Watchman 2 days ago · Search for: Menu Skip to content. Previous; Archives; Next. 6 hours ago · Cluster 1: Key Ideas and Details. Export Export To; Word .docx) Acrobat .pdf). 1 day ago · I don’t get too personal on my blog, but I might as well post about my Covid vaccine experience since it was an experience of note. I got.
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Symbols In Faulkners Watchman Symbols In Faulkners Watchman

I got my second dose of the Moderna on Friday, and, whoa, did the second dose pack a wallop. I got the first dose on March 19th, St. Other than the sting in my shoulder afterward, I did not have any symptoms.

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This past Friday, April 16th, about a month later, I got the second dose. That night, just before bedtime, I started shivering.

Symbols In Faulkners Watchman

No matter how many clothes I put on and how many blankets I put over me, I could not stop shivering. I barely slept. I trembled with chills all night.

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In the morning I checked my temperature. I had a mild fever. I still had chills, but when I got out of bed my muscles resisted the simplest motion. I had no strength. I stayed in bed all day.

Symbols In Faulkners Watchman

Watcgman I took Symbols In Faulkners Watchman, which brought the fever down. The chills came and went but they never went away completely. My wife God bless her got me a large order of Wonton Soup. It helped. I had it for lunch and for dinner. Then in the evening the fever started rising. What was source 99 to degrees climbed tothenand even a I started to worry. Took more Advil and eventually came down.

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I slept that second night and when I woke up I felt it had gone away. I still felt weak, but temperature was normal, and I could do some low stress chores. My left shoulder, where the needle punctured me hurts. It feels more like a wasp sting, if you have ever had that unpleasant experience. The hurt seems to spread over a lot more area than the sting, and Symbols In Faulkners Watchman hurts for a lot longer than you would expect. This was tough. A friend told me the more the reaction to the vaccine, the greater than immunity one builds.

My wife, my mother, and my mother-in-law have all had the same second dose of Moderna. My mother had Symbols In Faulkners Watchman chills, a headache, never measured a fever, but on the second day had a blood pressure drop which caused her to faint. The follow up doctor said it was possible. My mother-in-law had chills and mild fever and headaches and enervated. She felt terrible for a few days. My wife did not have any chills but felt enervated. She was the least affected by it. My blogger friend Jan had a colorful way of describing her vaccine experience.

This from her first dose and this from her second. It does feel like I was hit by a truck.]

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