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Dorothea Langes White Angel Bread Line Video

REPORT- Dorothea Lange Paris photo exhibition Dorothea Langes White Angel Bread Line

Dorothea Langes White Angel Bread Line - situation

. Dorothea Langes White Angel Bread Line

Comments The Civilian Conservation Corps gave millions of young men a job and their families a lifeline with money they sent home every month. The much-admired and much-studied CCC also had a much-derided and little-studied little sister: the She-She-She camps. At the beginning of the Great Depression, women made up 25 percent of the U. But attitudes prevented jobless women from getting anywhere near the government help that men got. Many took to the road, their stories the same: no work, the family on relief and no prospect of marriage. Civilian Conservation Corps statue in Augusta, Maine.

Dorothea Langes White Angel Bread Line

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt knew of their plight. Many had written to her, begging for help.

Why She-She-She Camps

So when her husband launched the Civilian Conservation Corps within a month of becoming president, she had a question. They also learned about antiquing, repaired toys and practiced conversational French. Critics called them She-She-She camps. But at least they got fed. But the poor, jobless, city woman was invisible.

New England Historical Society

Elaine S. Abelson looked for images of poor, jobless, city women. She found one image of a woman selling apples inbut not a single woman in photographs of breadlines and shantytowns.

Dorothea Langes White Angel Bread Line

We have been sitting here now for four hours. We sit here every day, waiting for a job. There are no jobs.

Most of us have had no breakfast. Some have had scant rations for over a year. Young women who lost their jobs often moved in together, sometimes seven to a one-room apartment, according to Agnes V. They would delay applying for relief as long as possible. Even when homeless, women would eat a cracker and ride the subway all night. The First She-She-She Camp During his first days in office, President Roosevelt frantically set up an alphabet soup of agencies to try to put America back on its feet. She expected to see young women. She saw By November, Hopkins had done little for the camps or for women.

Dorothea Langes White Angel Bread Line

So Hopkins asked his new education specialist, Hilda Smith, to do something. They opened the oven, and they were cooking Dorothea Langes White Angel Bread Line little puppy they had picked up on the street. She spoke to a group of FERA field representatives in Februarytrying to get them to support her project. And yet there were 45, homeless and destitute women and girls in the US inaccording to an estimate click sociologist Nels Anderson.

People objected to job programs for women because, they believed, they came at the expense of jobs for men — the real breadwinners. But Smith had the First Lady and her considerable network on her side. Hopkins in the end pledged financial support — Bfead financial support — for the She She She camps.]

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