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Sir Ernest Shackleton Leadership Characteristics Video

Survival! The Shackleton Story Sir Ernest Shackleton Leadership Characteristics. Sir Ernest Shackleton Leadership Characteristics

There is just one continent that supports no permanent inhabitants: Antarctica.

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Antarctica has not changed significantly, …show more content… Making one mistake or simply forgetting something could cost you your life. Both Shackleton and Worsley planned their journeys carefully, yet they both fell short of completing their Sir Ernest Shackleton Leadership Characteristics objective of crossing the Antarctic continent. A party of six men undertake the trans-Antarctic journey, with one hundred and twenty dogs, two sledges driven by aeroplane propellers with aeroplane engines, and an aeroplane with clipped winds to taxi over the ice.

Shackleton, Curzon Shackleton planned on mainly using dog power to pull the sledge because that is what he thought was Etnest at the time. However, we know now that even though he planned this out carefully, that it did not go as he planned. The destruction of their ship led to 28 men being stranded and to carry all their supplies.

The, Endurance, And Endurance : Shackleton's Incredible Voyage, By Alfred Lansing

Shackleton was left with more men than expected, not enough rations of food and most importantly no boat or home. This loss is devastating and I believe that it here the one of the major factors …show more content… The technology that they had years ago does not come close to being as advanced as it was when Worsley attempted the Solo Transantarctic.

Technology has progressed so significantly that Shackleton would have faced more challenges than Worsley did. Shackleton used ships to get to Antarctica using navigation skills, maps and compasses. Leaderhip are of an age of masted Leadershiip ships sailing to vast unknown coasts on uncharted seas Sir Ernest Shackleton Leadership Characteristics Worsley In contrast, Worsley flew straight the starting location of his expedition.

This is a major difference, as Shackleton and his men would already be under stress from the long period of time spent on the ship.

Sir Ernest Shackleton Leadership Characteristics

He and his crew would be fatigued before even starting the actual walking on the continent. Worsley had access to clothing that is more suited for the conditions of Antarctica.

Sir Ernest Shackleton Leadership Characteristics

He even had information from weather stations, GPS, a radio that he could use to communicate, and even batteries for all the technology to ensure he would be able to access all the tools that he had.]

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