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In fact, according to a new Pew Research Center survey, two-thirds of Americans agree that cannabis should be legal across the country. Will the same happen with the legalization of cannabis? There has been a steady increase in the amount of people who support cannabis legalization whether that be medically or recreationally. The amount of U. These numbers are incredibly promising and have left us wondering what the reason behind this sudden rise in support for cannabis legalization is and what prevented their support in the beginning. We delved into three powerhouses that hold an incredible amount of influence over the masses; the media, religion and the government, to see how these influences originated and how they are beginning to shift. According to their study, support for legalization began to increase after the news media began positioning cannabis as a medical issue rather than a political one.

The New York Times was used as a case study looking at cannabis-related articles published between and They found that just before the support for cannabis legalization began to increase, there was also a sudden increase in medical related cannabis articles. In the 90s, cannabis-related Propaganda And Political Influence In The Olympic Games started being framed in the context of the plants medical uses. And by the late 90s, cannabis was rarely 7th Grade Soto Analysis in the context of drug trafficking and abuse. We may not realize it, but the media holds a particularly strong influence on the views and values of the human population, which can have its pros and cons.

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Their influence can be used to inform or it can manifest from a place of complete fiction, leaving the masses to think and feel a certain way about a topic based on false claims spread by the media. These collective opinions entwined with falsified influence from the media can have detrimental effects, like the sorry story of cannabis prohibition. The media spread misleading and often false claims about the plant, influencing society to feel negatively despite the true benefits of cannabis. Although cannabis source accepted and widely used within ancient religions, most contemporary religions have developed a very different stance on the plant, and for years condemned the use of it.

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Propaagnda, this may be changing for the better. A study by the conservative Christian polling organization Barna Group found that among practising christians, around 34 per cent actually favoured cannabis legalization. This may not sound like a large amount, but considering the strict and conservative nature of the religion it is quite impressive.

Many young people of faith are now beginning to accept and encourage the health benefits of medical cannabis.

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Progressive leaders are also attempting to enlighten other Christians as to the health benefits of cannabis. Leaders like California pastor and author, Craig Gross who started Christian Cannabisa company that wants to educate and engage the faithful on the issue.

The company has a blog and podcast used to enlighten other Christians on the health benefits of cannabis. Gamfs brand will also be releasing a line of cannabis products labelled pause, purpose, peace, persevere, praise, pain and people. The products come in different forms such as a cbd balm, cannabis-infused mints or pens. Although, members of the Silent Generation born between were the least supportive, with 64 more info opposing cannabis legalization.

In fact, in the context of cannabis prohibition calling Tge the Reefer Madness Generation would be more fitting considering the heavy influence they received from political propaganda. When the film Reefer Madness was released init fuelled the hysteria spread by the government around cannabis. The film centres around innocent high school students who are lured into trying cannabis.

Propaganda And Political Influence In The Olympic Games

The effects of it apparently result in a hit-and-run accident, manslaughter, suicide, attempted rape, hallucinations and a descent into madness. The fictional film supported the word of the government and continued to influence the generation despite being based on a myriad of lies.

Propaganda And Political Influence In The Olympic Games

Whether it is the media, a shift in religious views, or a decrease in negative political propaganda; Americans are finally beginning to accept and embrace the benefits of cannabis. As they say, the proof is in the pudding or the Pew Research Center Survey.]

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