Organic fertilizer Essays - Custom Academic Help

Organic fertilizer Essays - remarkable

Research suggests that farmers in My Loi Climate-Smart Village in Vietnam can generate more profits from peanut cultivation by going organic. In My Loi Climate-Smart Village CSV inorganic fertilizers are being applied in conventional peanut production to improve crop yields, often at the expense of the environment. Besides their environmental impact, these fertilizers are also contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, and thus to climate change. One such approach is organic farming. The experiment involves growing peanuts in three different plots: organic with no inorganic fertilizer , partly inorganic with limited inorganic fertilizer , and conventional with inorganic fertilizer. The peanut yields from these plots were compared using peanut pod yield, seed quality, and food safety. Organic plots generated the highest profits although all three of them showed minor differences in terms of the other variables. Seeds from organic plots have also grown greener leaves and seemingly stronger plants than those with conventional treatments. No pesticide residue was found in organic plots, although the case was the same for the other two plots. Overall, the participating farmers were positive about the outcome of this experiment.

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Organic fertilizer Essays

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Organic fertilizer Essays

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Organic fertilizer Essays

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