Should Guns Be Allowed On College Campuses - Custom Academic Help

Should Guns Be Allowed On College Campuses

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Fox News: Should Guns Be Allowed on Campus?

Should Guns Be Allowed On College Campuses - opinion you

One time I went to a guns store in which you can also practice how to use a gun. I was fourteen years the first time that I used a gun. I went to the place with my sister, three cousins and my father. The truth is that it was fun to use a gun, although we all knew it was dangerous to use one if we had not have any experience with it beforehand Guns Should Not Be Allowed On College Campuses Words 5 Pages The problem with gun control in college campuses has become a debate nowadays. Despite all the positive feedback the public has to say about allowing concealed weapons on campus, they are dangerous. Guns should not be allowed on college campuses because students are not fully matured, are under the influence, and it affects the learning environment. Students are not fully developed by the age they start college. The issue of gun control and whether guns should be allowed on campuses has been debated for years in light of tragic shootings at Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University, Columbine High School, and many other schools in the United States Cooper.

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Should Guns Be Allowed On College Campuses

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Mass shootings are part of a larger public health concern of gun violence that includes homicide, suicide, and gunshot injury. These violent acts are not impulsive, but are endpoints of a pathway beginning with grievance and alienation.

Should Guns Be Allowed On College Campuses

Should Guns Be Allowed On College Campuses Interaction with other Ca,puses influences movement on a pathway to mass violence usually, but not always, involving guns and whether the here is fueled by personal or ideologic motive; the marked similarities of perpetrators and pathways in both erase many previous distinctions.

Extreme beliefs drive ideologic mass violence, but it is important to remember that few with extreme beliefs progress to extreme behaviors violence. Hate is an extreme belief that can lead to extremist violence and motivate intergroup violence when cultural or economic changes perceived as threats are blamed on another group. In the United States, ideologic violence is primarily perceived as a problem from Muslims, but more acts of fatal mass violence are committed by far-right extremists than Islamist extremists []. More than half of mass shootings generally defined as at least four persons killed in an incident are domestic homicide events.

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Mass shootings, extremist violence, and domestic homicides are closely related. Gun violence, gun rights, and gun control are contentious subjects, but also require attention. Health and Allowev health providers play a key role in preventing gun violence by initiating conversations with patients, but they often lack training and guidance.

Should Guns Be Allowed On College Campuses

Understanding the beliefs and perspectives of gun culture allows for effective gun safety counseling. Clinicians are not immune to the false narratives surrounding mass shooting and extremist violence a more accurate term than "terrorism" and benefit from understanding the evidence on mass and domestic violence, gun violence in general, their aggravating and mitigating factors, and preventive approaches. Please note that all information contained in this course is specific to the United States, except when explicitly stated.

Should Guns Be Allowed On College Campuses

The following overview describes the historical antecedent events and perpetrators of personal and ideologically motivated mass violence. Over the past years, the patterns and themes are recurrent, while cultural framing of individuals as predisposed to mass violence has changed over time [].

Similarities to recent Islamist extremist violence are evident. Borne of extreme income inequality, anarchist ideology advocated class warfare against capitalism and government oppression through violent revolution, including bombing and assassination [1, 2]. The United States in the later s was described as the Gilded Age. Under these conditions, anarchism spread to the industrial hubs of the United States [1, 2].

Guns Should Not Be Allowed On College Campuses

Chicago became a center of anarchism and anarchist leaders who endorsed violence to fight capitalist oppression. A Chicago newspaper printed instructions on how to use dynamite and other terrorism-related pieces. In40, workers went on strike for an eight-hour workday in Chicago. Riots ensued, a bomb thrown at a group of policemen killed seven officers, and several anarchists were prosecuted and convicted [2, 3]. The level of population-level terror caused by anarchists was substantial.]

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