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Edward Winslow: A Brief Biography Video

Pilgrim Profile #2---Edward Winslow Edward Winslow: A Brief Biography Edward Winslow: A Brief Biography Edward Winslow: A Brief Biography

April Briief, Infanta Isabel de Castilla ? Of the many illegitimate descendants left by Emperor Charles, Isabel de Castilla is the most unknown of all of them, since in the chronicles and documents of the time all the data referring to the birth of Isabel were silenced, as it was the result of a incestuous relationship between the young Spanish king and his grandfather's second wife.

Edward Winslow: A Brief Biography

The meeting between his parents took place in Valladolid, in Carlos de Gante was a year-old young prince and Queen Germana, who had been widowed the year before, was 29 and still a beautiful lady. It is possible to suspect that Carlos, in a strange court and surrounded by people who did not speak his mother tongue, would soon find a home in his grandfather's widow, who did speak French.

Edward Winslow: A Brief Biography

In fact, the vast majority of the chroniclers highlight the excellent relationship between Carlos and Germana, althou Share.]

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