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Donald Trump: Breaking Up With Men - not

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely her own. View more opinion articles on CNN. CNN It's always bad when politicians, faced with a serious moral dilemma, put self-interest ahead of public service. It's even worse when they know better and do it anyway. Jill Filipovic This week brings us a troubling new chapter in the story of Nikki Haley and Donald Trump: he, a person who wouldn't know a moral dilemma if the snake in the garden of Eden bit him on the ankle, and she someone who understands what's at stake when the most powerful person in the United States is unhinged and eager to shower punishment on those who dare defy him. On Monday, Haley, who was the US Ambassador to the United Nations under the former president, said she would support him if he ran again in and wouldn't run against him. Donald Trump: Breaking Up With Men Donald Trump: Breaking Up With Men

Background President Donald Trump speaking at a campaign rally in While there have Tdump: other instances of violence at the Capitol in the 19th and 20th centuriesthis event was the most severe assault on the building since the burning of Washington by the British Army during the War ofwith the last attempt on the life of the Vice President being a bomb plot against Thomas Marshall.

Donald Trump: Breaking Up With Men

Trump also personally inquired about invoking martial law to "re-run" or reverse the election, which would be illegal and unconstitutional, [85] [87] and appointing a special counsel to find incidences of fraud even though federal and state officials have concluded that such cases were very isolated or non-existent ; Tump: ultimately undertook neither step.

Trump repeated this call in his rally speech on the morning of January 6. Trump tweeted, "Big protest in D. Be there, will be wild!

Donald Trump: Breaking Up With Men

From that point, although Kremer still held the permit, planning essentially passed to the White House. Although the initial plan Brwaking the rally called for people to remain at the Ellipse until the counting of electoral slates was complete, the White House said they should march to the Capitol, as Trump repeatedly urged during his speech.

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Websites such as TheDonald. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. It is our duty as Americans to fight, kill and die for our rights.

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GoFundMe subsequently deactivated several Donald Trump: Breaking Up With Men the campaigns after the riot, but some campaigns had already raised part or all of their fundraising goals prior to deactivation. The document used the term "war" to describe the rioters' motive, which mentioned specific violence references, including the blood of Black Lives Matter and Antifa members. Later reflections about the intelligence failures revealed that surprise that no threat assessments had been issued, with possible causes for the failure related to DHS personnel changes and law enforcement biases.

The post said the league was not aware of any credible threats of violence, but noted that "if the past is any indication, the combination of an extremist presence at the rallies and the heated nature of the rhetoric suggests that violence is a possibility. Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville has since stated that he did not attend the meeting [] but evidence appears to show otherwise.

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In her request, she wrote that the guards would not be armed and that they would be primarily responsible for "crowd management" and traffic direction, allowing police to focus on security concerns. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller approved the request on January 4, The approval activated troops, with no more than to be deployed at any given time. Park Policeand the Secret Service. He also said he activated seven Civil Disturbance Unit platoons, approximately officers, with four of those platoons equipped in helmets, protective clothing and shields. Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy said law enforcement agencies' estimates of the potential size of the crowd, calculated in advance of the WWith, varied between 2, and 80,]

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