Examples Of Racism, Prejudice And Discrimination - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

Examples Of Racism, Prejudice And Discrimination Video

Prejudice And Discrimination Examples Of Racism, Prejudice And Discrimination

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People are born differently and we cannot judge them because of skin color, genderage, or religious beliefs. The Bible says to love your neighbor as yourself and that God is the only one who can judge us.

Examples Of Racism, Prejudice And Discrimination

If we judge others we are becoming part of the problem instead of helping to fix it. Opportunity is one example of what discrimination takes away from people.

Examples Of Racism, Prejudice And Discrimination

Age is also a factor that plays a role in people getting Prejudice And Discrimination unfairly. On average someone that is 55 or older takes three months longer to find a job than a person who is younger. The genocides in Syria are good examples and show that the people are being killed for what they believe in. These types of prejudices make people feel like they are no better than bugs and make them think that they don't matter in the world. Hitler is also an example of people being killed for their religious beliefs.

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He killed the Jews just because they were not the same as him and because they were different. This led into World War II and only caused devastation and problems for families and left marks on their lives forever. We need to stick.]

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