Aim to convince readers that your view of the story is interesting and adds to the ongoing conversation among those who read stories and write about them.
Ignorance In Ray Bradbury's All Summer In A Day
Back up your interpretation with reasons and support from the story. Here are a few ideas to consider when writing your essay on Interpreting Stories. What is my purpose? State an source thesis. Your purpose is to give your readers a general audience that, in this case, includes the Instructor and your classmates an arguable thesis and supportable interpretation that demonstrates that you have closely read the short story.
A Typical Image of a Traditional Marriage in Kate Chopin's Short Story 'The Storm'
Yes, which means you should read it more than once! How will you support your thesis and interpretation? Provide as much relevant evidence as possible. You must show Stoy your thesis and interpretation are supported by evidence from the text. Cite precise passages from the work refer to specific details.
Note: You do not have to use secondary sources in addition to the text. All your evidence should come from the text and your interpretation of elements of the story. Try to answer fascinating, challenging and thought-provoking questions as you analyze the story? What does it mean?
What human problems does it portray? Is there an imbalance of power evident between the relationships of characters—especially between men and women?
Is the work attempting to make a statement about American culture? Is the work attempting to make a religious statement, a political statement?]
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