Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School

Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School Video

Why We Should Allow Students to Use Cell Phones in Schools Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School

I'm scared. How do I keep her safe? Am I worrying too much?

Why are cell phones bad?

Research shows that virtually all kids who are allowed to keep their cell phone in their room overnight will answer a late-night text, and most of them have spent at least some late nights sending texts. Studies show Scyool the pressure to send "sexy" photos via phone sexting begins in the fifth grade, on average. The average age of first pornography exposure is around age Bee. Their parents agree, and 36 percent of parents say they have daily arguments with their children about their phones.

Most kids are not ready for that responsibility before middle school, if then. In fact, since the prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until the mids, middle schoolers are famous for not having as much impulse control as we'd like. Middle schoolers have a hard enough time managing the temptations of social media, sexting, and addictive games on computers. Handing them a phone that they can use constantly, without your supervision, is like handing a child an addictive substance and then not monitoring them. So it's natural to worry when your child is ready for her first cell phone, even if you think he or she is generally responsible.

Yes, this device is an instrument of connection, and Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School will allow you and your child to be more connected when you're apart. In fact, the research shows that teens today are more http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/newspeak/mark-antony-speech-analysis.php than my Pones was in driving, drinking, sexuality and drug use. No, the problem is that smart phones pose new risks. Luckily, communication and supervision can dramatically lessen the risks.

Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School

Don't give your child a phone too early. If your child is with a trusted adult, he shouldn't need a cell phone. It's when kids start to walk to school by themselves, or otherwise are without supervision, that they need a cell phone for safety reasons.

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The younger your child is when she gets the cell phone, the more you're asking of her, because it will just be harder for her to act responsibly with it. Can you trust that she'll follow your rules about which apps to download, for instance? How often does he lose things? Some parents give their younger child devices that are more limited than a smart phone, that can't be used to go online, or to call anyone not authorized by the parent. Agree to rules, before that first cell phone. Most parents think a "contract" with their child is unnecessary and silly. But a written agreement is a great way for your child to step into this new responsibility without you "over-parenting. For a starting place, check out the suggested rules at the end of this article. Use parental controls. There are parental control apps available for all phones, and iphones have built-in parental controls that can be enabled. You know how when a building goes up, there's a framework around it?

Once the building is complete, the scaffolding is unnecessary. Your job is to give Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School child support --like scaffolding -- as he learns each new skill. So don't just buy a cell phone, give a lecture, and hope for the best. Instead, see this as a year-long project.

Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School

In the beginning, plan to talk with your child every single Alloowed about his mobile use that day. Review with him what calls and texts came in and out, what apps he used. Ask how it felt to him to use his phone. Did it change anything in his life to have those calls and texts come in? Were there any challenges as he considered how to respond?]

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