What Is The Great Depression In To Kill A Mockingbird - consider
Atticus: We are indeed. Scout: Are we as poor as the Cunninghams? Atticus: No, not exactly. The Cunninghams are country folks, farmers. The crash hit them the hardest. A warm-hearted neighbor woman, Miss Maudie Atkinson Rosemary Murphy , who is keenly interested in Atticus and his children, is working in her garden across the street. What Is The Great Depression In To Kill A Mockingbird.My four siblings and I lived with our folks in an old farmhouse atop a hill. Summers were simply magical. I would play in the woods by day and at night lay with my friends on our dead end road and gaze up at the stars. The stored heat from the day radiated up from the road cradling my back. But, in some way, I wanted to be the beauty I saw in those skies years ago.
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link Charles Lamb was never a lawyer, but his father was. Interestingly, Charles also battled depression then called melancholy for much of his life and was institutionalized a few times. We can only wonder what Charles thought when he saw his father come home after a long day at work. Why, as an adult, would he write such a poignant lament?
Children are full of hope and Depredsion.
Women’s Significance in To Kill a Mockingbird
But Atticus knows better. He rises to the occasion not because he believes he can win, but because of who he is. He is a person of integrity. He defends Tom because it is the right thing to do.

In the movieAtticus is seen sitting on his porch at night thinking. He takes the time to reflect on his day. Many lawyers are driven perfectionists. Lawyers look for every possible facet, every possible angle, every possible document, etc.

The result is they are overwhelmed with facts and tasks, so much so that there is no time for reflection or thought about a case. Am I leading a life of integrity? Are my actions as a lawyer in accord with my deeply held inner values? I have talked to hundred of lawyers across the country and I can tell you this: their depression is sometimes rooted in a sense of Kkll and not liking what they have become. Of working for just a paycheck here very large ones and not for an enriching life that is meaningful to them; of living a life not full of integrity.]
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