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Author page This very issue, thinking Covid meant no door-knocking, also came up early in the Biden campaign, after Sanders withdrew and the pandemic was intensifying.

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And Biden erred early on, later making a course correction when he realized how tight the election was. Similarly, in articles about the hard-to-win Georgia Senate runoff races, voting-rights organizers were clear they had to pound the pavement, get in their cars, and make house calls to every voter face-to-face, despite the pandemic.

Warehouse Essays

Warehouse Essays

They put on masks Warehouse Essays visited voters by the tens of thousands. The most comprehensive academic research on successful unionization, by Kate Bronfenbrenner, director of labor research education at Cornell University, makes an irrefutable case for house-calling.

There is no substitute for house-calling in a hard campaign, period. One possible exception to the plant gate rule would have been if large numbers of actual Bessemer Amazon workers were the people standing at shift change at the plant gate.

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Instead, what workers saw was the paid staff of the union and outside supporters. Absence of majority support. One Warehouse Essays the most important tactics in hard unionization fights is what organizers call majority public structure tests. A majority public structure test is when a majority of workers who are eligible to vote in an upcoming union election, or who are voting to strike, sign a petition or take photos and produce a public poster, flyer, or website that displays their signature or faces, with a message stating their intent to vote yes.

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Game over. When fear is running hard inside a facility—which it certainly was in the Amazon election—the Warehouse Essays way to overcome it is by asking each pro-union worker to step out and declare themselves pro-union publicly.

Warehouse Essays

You are teaching collective power in the conversations and actions. Structure tests are run over and over privately and quietly until a majority of workers are willing to sign. Once a majority signs, that is generally a serious indication that the campaign will be victorious. Majority structure http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/newspeak/rise-of-socialism-in-the-united-states.php prove that the people workers in a high-fear campaign trust the most—their own coworkers—are ready to declare for themselves that enough is enough.

Workers watching coworkers take a stand in large numbers is what wins, not rallies with out-of-state superstars, not famous football players, not famous actors and actresses, not even Bernie Sanders or the president of the United States. And Warehouse Essays an Warehouse Essays history! If the latter were true, there would have been a solid victory in the Nissan election in Canton, Miss. In that election, the vote was 38 percent yes, 62 percent no.]

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