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PAULS — Public elementary school students across Robeson County will continue talking trash this week as they celebrate Earth Day and learn about the harmful effects of litter on the environment. Project Trash Talk, a five-day anti-littering curriculum for students from kindergarten through fifth grade, was developed by Tiffany Locklear, who teaches fourth grade at St. Pauls Elementary School. However, the message to protect Mother Earth began to spread Monday in elementary classrooms across the county. Pauls Elementary principal. Locklear said she is most proud of the excitement generated in the students by the curriculum. School leaders and Edge hope the message to stop littering resonates with parents and that roadside trash across the county will decrease. The school typically celebrates Earth Day in one day, but the weeklong event gives students more opportunities to learn, said Chelsea Hunt, a first-grade teacher at SPES. And the children have shown concern after learning that trash can be detrimental to animals, Hathaway said. Second-grader Will Gomez spoke about why it is dangerous to litter on the roadways. The Tagline Of Saffola Shakespeares Hair Care Industry

The Tagline Of Saffola Shakespeares Hair Care Industry - seems me

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Two people were treated for "minor exposure," but no serious injuries were reported. Mark Kimmitt, the chief military spokesman in Iraq. Jon at QandO one of my favorite blogs points out that only one shell has been found, and it's likely of older manufacture Hqir so, he argues, it's insufficient to re-energize the WMD argument all by itself.

Fair enough, and after numerous false alarms, rhetorical caution should be the order of the day anyway. This find certainly demonstrates that rather than the "phantom WMD" argument made earlier -- where Saddam's scientists just lied to him about having them -- is almost certainly false.

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Look, I want to make it clear: Who knows if a month from now, two months from now, you find some weapons. You may. But you certainly didn't find them where they said they were, and you certainly didn't find them in the quantities that they said they were. And they weren't found, and I have talked to some soldiers who have come back who trained against the potential of artillery delivery, because artillery was the way they had previously delivered and it was the only way they knew they could deliver. Now we found nothing that is evidence of that kind of delivery, so the fact is that as you peel it away I think it comes down to this larger ideological and neocon concept of fundamental change in the region and who knows whether there are other motives with respect to Saddam Hussein, but they did it because they thought they could, and because they misjudged exactly what the reaction would be and what they could get away with.

While I agree with Jon that one shell does not represent a massive article source program, one shell is enough to know that Iraq had produced WMD as stated before, since no one manufactures a single, unique shell for one use, especially one as complex as a binary-mixture shell. Since we never received any data on their destruction, we are back again to the reasonable conclusion that none of them were destroyed -- which definitely supports the military The Tagline Of Saffola Shakespeares Hair Care Industry we took to depose Saddam.

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I'm curious to see how the media treat this revelation. Anyone believe that CBS will use it as its lead story tonight? However, a senior coalition source has told the BBC the round does not signal the discovery of weapons of mass destruction or the escalation of insurgent activity. He said the round dated back to the Iran-Iraq war and coalition officials were not sure whether the fighters even knew what it contained. Officials in Washington said another shell Shaiespeares this one containing mustard gas -- was found 10 days ago in Iraq. As our inspections and the insurgents deplete the standing weapons stocks in Iraq, likely we will find much more.

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Even if the material turns out to be old, it still demonstrates that the UN inspection process was about as The Tagline Of Saffola Shakespeares Hair Care Industry as their administration of the Oil-For-Food Program. Unfortunately, everybody jumped on the offramp and said 'well, because we didn't find them, he didn't have them,'" said Fox News military analyst Lt. Tom McInerney. Now whether there is much more of this we don't know, Iraq is the size of the state of California.

Gazi George, a former Iraqi nuclear scientist under Saddam's regime, told Fox News that he believes many similar Csre stockpiled by the former regime were either buried underground or transported to Syria. He noted that the airport where the device was detonated is on the way to Baghdad from the Syrian border. George said the finding likely will just be the first in a series of discoveries of such weapons.

Saddam, when he was in power, had declared that he did in fact possess mustard-gas filled artilleries but none that included sarin. A can toss shells Industty far as fourteen miles, and the shell itself can contain as much as five litres of sarin -- enough to kill thousands of people.]

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