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The Pros And Cons Of Criminal Punishment The Pros And Cons Of Criminal Punishment. The Pros And Cons Of Criminal Punishment

For normal cases, the courts were made up of dikastai of up to citizens. In such large juries, they rule by majority.

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Juries were appointed by lot. Jurists cast a ceramic disk with an axle in its middle: the axle was either hollow or solid. Thus the way they voted was kept secret because the jurists would hold their disk by the axle by thumb and forefinger, thus hiding whether its axle was hollow or solid.

Since Periclean times, jurists were compensated for their sitting in court, with the amount of one day's wages.

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The institution of trial by jury was ritually depicted by Aeschylus in The Eumenidesthe third and final play of his Oresteia trilogy. In the play, the innovation is brought about by the goddess Athenawho summons twelve citizens to sit as jury. The god Apollo Ad part in the trial as the advocate for the defendant Orestes and the Furies as prosecutors for the slain Clytemnestra. In the event the jury is split six to sixAthena dictates that the verdict should henceforth be for acquittal.

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Roman[ edit ] From the beginning of the republic and in the majority of civil cases towards the end of the empire, there were tribunals with the characteristics of the jury in the sense that Roman judges Punishmentt civilian, lay and not professionals. Capital trials were held in front of hundreds or thousands of 'juries' in the commitias or centuries, the same as in Athenian trials. Roman law provided for the yearly selection of judices, who would be responsible for resolving disputes by acting as jurors, with a praetor performing many of the duties of a judge.

High government officials and their relatives were barred from acting as judices, due to conflicts of interest.

The Pros And Cons Of Criminal Punishment

Those previously found guilty of serious crimes felonies were also barred as were gladiators for hire, who likely were hired to resolve disputes through trial by combat. The law was as follows: "The peregrine praetor literally, traveling judge within the next ten days after this law is passed by the people or plebs shall provide for the selection of persons in this State who have or have had a knight's census He likely influenced by his exchequerThomas Brown, who formerly worked under the diwan of the Kingdom of Sicily which had recently conquered the Emirate of Sicily and incorporated Islamic government and legal systems into their procedures.

The Pros And Cons Of Criminal Punishment

An draft on criminal procedure produced by the Prussian Ministry of Justice proposed to abolish the jury and replace it with the mixed system, causing a significant political debate. England and Wales[ edit ] W. Gilbert 's Bab Ballads According to George Macaulay Trevelyan in A Shortened History of England, during the Viking occupation: "The Scandinavians, when not on the Viking warpath, were a litigious people and loved to get together in the thing [governing assembly] to hear legal argument. A Danish town in England often had, as its main officers, twelve hereditary 'law men.]

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