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The Outsiders Setting - final
Setting Hinton says so in the FAQ page of her website Source , but not because there's any indication in the novel though the slang is insanely outdated. The setting is based on Hinton's hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she was living when she wrote the story as a high school student Source. Again, this is revealed in her FAQ page, not in the text. So why is Ponyboy so vague about time and place? Maybe because he's trying to both represent and reach out to the "hundreds and hundreds of boys living on the wrong sides of cities, boys […] who jump […] at their shadows" The vague setting helps make the book relevant for people in other places and times. It isn't just about Tulsa; it could be about your hometown, too. The bulk of the novel's action takes place over a week one fall. The Outsiders Setting.The Outsiders Setting Video
TheOutsiders IntroductionHave you ever been part of a social group? Did you ever feel like an outsider? This book is about two teenage groups, the Socs and the Greasers. Both the Socs and the Greasers Ougsiders felt like outsiders. But which group was the real outsiders? Or, are the outsiders the people The Outsiders Setting see beyond society groups?
Summary: The Outsiders
I believe that the real outsiders are the people who see beyond society groups. The Outsiders is about two gangs called Socs and Greasers. Greasers are poor people in the book, and the Socs are rich people.

Have you ever read the part when Ponyboy was going to foster care but he did not. In think Ponyboy would have been better off in foster care.
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Ponyboy could have had a better education if he were in foster care. Since Ponyboy is very Outsidegs, he could have graduated from school, since he is in a gang he probably The Outsiders Setting not. The movie copied the same plot of the book heavily, as it still portrays the same main character, Ponyboy Curtis played by Thomas C. Howella fourteen year old boy living with his two brothers. Ponyboy is a year-old boy with a taste for adventure, but struggles to live out his childhood source the dangerous environment that is his society. There are Greasers and Socs and they are different groups but their is only one thing that makes The Outsiders Setting different. The one thing that makes the Greasers and Socs different is money.
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It then talks about how reporters and police came in to interview the gang as of what had happened in the burning church. Pony Boy told Dally that he would be okay although one arm was burnt and maybe he would be scarred for life. Hinton and is told through the perspective of fourteen-year-old Ponyboy Curtis.

Ponyboy and his brothers Sodapop and Darry are members of a Greaser gang, meaning they are considered hoods or juvenile delinquents by society. E Hinton Oursiders was published in April of This novel is about a 14 year old boy named Ponyboy Curtis who lives with his older brothers Sodapop and Darry since their parents died in The Outsiders Setting car crash years back.

Even though he is a part of this gang, Ponyboy Analysis Of The Outsiders Words 3 Pages greasers do for each other: they stick up for one another and build a Settimg community. In the story, The Outsiders, by SE Hinton, the book is about Ponyboy and his gang taking care of each other because there gang is that they fight against the Socs.]
Correctly! Goes!