The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis - Custom Academic Help

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The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis - can not

Inuit people hunting walrus , Evidence exists that hunting may have been one of the multiple environmental factors leading to the Holocene extinction of megafauna and their replacement by smaller herbivores. In addition to the spear , hunting weapons developed during the Upper Paleolithic include the atlatl a spear-thrower; before 30, years ago and the bow 18, years ago. By the Mesolithic , hunting strategies had diversified with the development of these more far-reaching weapons and the domestication of the dog about 15, years ago. Evidence puts the earliest known mammoth hunting in Asia with spears to approximately 16, years ago. Dated around 12, BC and considered the oldest hunting tool from Denmark Many species of animals have been hunted throughout history.

Exact: The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis

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The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis 2 days ago · Michael Pollan, “An Animal’s Place” NY Times Magazine 1/4/03 1. OVERVIEW 2. Reason animals used for food are so mistreated is because we have lost everyday contact with animals and taken their raising and slaughtering out of public view. Apr 13,  · The human mind, in other words, contains a rudimentary exchange psychology, evolved by natural selection to help facilitate transactions. Although it evolved within ancestral small-scale hunter–gatherer groups, the cues inherent in modern markets economies (transactions, bargaining, prices, etc.) also bring it online. 6 hours ago · Apologies for the errors of the machine output. The following are my outstanding loans from Columbia — books I have borrowed to consult and read. Wisdom of the bones: in search of human origins / Alan Walker and Pat Shipman. GNW35 Ancestral images: the iconography of human origins / Stephanie Moser ; foreward by Clive Gamble. GNM67 Palaeolithic societies of .
The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis.

The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis - join. agree

The following are my outstanding loans from Columbia — books I have borrowed to consult and read. F68 John F. Gibson and Tim Ingold. B56 Washington papers. Luttwak ; with appendices by Herbert Block and W. Seth Carus. Luttwak and Daniel Horowitz. L9 Technology and war : from B. V27 Grand strategy of the Roman Empire from the first century A. The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis

Population genetics Abstract The rise of ancient genomics has revolutionised our understanding of human prehistory but this work depends on the availability of suitable samples. Here we present a complete ancient human genome and oral microbiome sequenced from a year-old piece of chewed birch pitch from Denmark. We sequence the human genome to an average depth of 2. We also find that she likely had dark Michafl, dark brown hair and blue eyes. In addition, we identify DNA fragments from several bacterial and viral taxa, including Epstein-Barr virus, as well as animal and plant DNA, which may have derived from a recent meal. The results highlight the potential of chewed birch pitch as a source of ancient DNA.

Download PDF Introduction Birch pitch is a black-brown substance obtained by heating birch bark and has been used as an adhesive and hafting agent The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis far back as the Middle Pleistocene 12. Small lumps of this organic material are commonly found on archaeological sites in Scandinavia and beyond, and while their use is still debated, they often show tooth imprints, indicating that they were chewed 3. Freshly produced birch pitch hardens on cooling and it has been suggested that chewing was a means to make it pliable again before using it, e. Medicinal uses Polln also been suggested, since one of the main constituents of birch pitch, betulin, has antiseptic properties 4. This is supported by a large body of ethnographic evidence, which suggests that birch pitch was used as a natural antiseptic for preventing and treating dental ailments and other medical conditions 3.

The oldest examples of chewed pitch Pollqn in Europe date back to the Mesolithic period and chemical analysis The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry GC-MS has shown that many of them were made from birch Betula pendula 3. Recent work click Kashuba et al 5. The DNA is so exceptionally well preserved that we were able to recover a complete ancient human genome from the sample sequenced to an average depth of coverage of 2.

The results highlight the potential of chewed birch pitch as a source of ancient human and non-human Hjnter, which can be used to shed light on the population history, health status, and even subsistence strategies of ancient populations. Results Radiocarbon dating and chemical analysis Radiocarbon dating of the specimen yielded a direct date of 5,—5, cal. The GC-MS spectrum also shows a range of dicarboxylic acids and saturated fatty acids, which are all intrinsic to birch pitch and thus support its identification 7.

DNA sequencing We generated approximately million DNA reads for the sample, nearly a third of which could be uniquely mapped Micjael the human reference genome hg19 Supplementary Table 2. In addition to the human reads, we generated around 7.

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We used the human reads to reconstruct a complete ancient human genome, sequenced to an effective depth-of-coverage of 2. To further investigate the preservation of the human DNA in the sample we calculated a molecular decay rate k, per site per year and find that it is comparable to that of other ancient human genomes from temperate regions Supplementary Table 3.

The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis

To predict her hair, eye and skin colour we imputed genotypes for 41 SNPs Supplementary Data 1 included in the HIrisPlex-S system 10 and find that she likely had dark skin, dark brown hair, and blue eyes Supplementary Data 2. We also examined the allelic state of two SNPs linked with the primary haplotype associated with lactase persistence in humans and found that she carried the ancestral allele for both Supplementary Data 1indicating that she was lactase non-persistent.

The Modern Hunter Gatherer Michael Pollan Analysis

Allele-sharing estimates based on f4-statistics show the same overall affinity to WHGs Fig. The ancient individuals were projected on the modern variation see Methods. Data are shown in Supplementary Tables 4 — 6.


Full size image Metataxonomic profiling of non-human reads To broadly characterise the taxonomic composition of the non-human reads in the sample, we used MetaPhlan2 13a tool specifically designed for the taxonomic profiling of short-read metagenomic shotgun data see Methods; Supplementary Data 4. Figure 3a shows a principal coordinate analysis where we compare the microbial composition of our sample to that of microbiome profiles from the Human Source Project HMP We find that our sample clusters with modern oral microbiome samples in the HMP dataset. This is also reflected in Fig. Full size image Oral microbiome characterisation To further characterise the microbial taxa present in the ancient pitch and to obtain species-specific assignments we used MALT 16a fast alignment and taxonomic binning tool for metagenomic data that aligns DNA sequencing reads to a user-specified database of reference sequences see Methods; Supplementary Data 5.]

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