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The Locavore Movement

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Growing some of your own food, especially in a manner that enables one to substitute food for some of the ornamental garden space, is a way for everyone to participate in caring for this planet in real and constructive ways. Some of the benefits are: 1. All the food grown close to home removes the transportation waste from the atmosphere — the more people participating in growing food at home, the more this effect will be. Food grown at home is fresher and tastes better; some will argue it is more nutritous and though I feel that way, I am not going to argue it. Food grown at home will not be doused with chemicals like the industrial agriculture fields are. The Locavore Movement

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Eating Local - Can it be done? The Locavore Movement and 100 mile diet

My first hot The Locavore Movement during the Eat Local Challenge included eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and toast Days: 13 Total meals eaten today: 4 Non-local items eaten: 2 Vices: Beer, coffee, bread Time and again throughout this challenge I find myself finishing a great local meal and almost beginning to worry about what I'm making for my next meal. Surely, when the Eat Local Challenge asks people to think more about the food they're eating, they don't mean it should be causing anxiety.

OK, maybe "anxiety" isn't the right emotion, but when you restrict your diet, for any reason, you become hyper conscious of what you have at your disposal to eat.

The Locavore Movement

It was a great tasting, well balanced and fulfilling breakfast. There was only one problem: I had nothing to eat for lunch. Despite all the sauteed vegetables and hot sandwiches I've been making since starting this challenge, I'm The Locavore Movement more used to just having a big sandwich for lunch. It didn't hit me until Mvoement got hungry four hours click so after breakfast that I didn't have any real lunch foods in the house. I had a ton of produce, a little bit of greek yogurt left and some potatoes.

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I couldn't think of any combination of those foods that would've made for a satisfying lunch. Once Te I'm face-to-face with the practical limitations of a locavore diet. I'll note right now that while I write a lot about the limitations, pratfalls and actual challenges of the Eat Local Challenge, I'm all in favor with the ideals of the movement.

People should absolutely be more conscious of where their food comes from and it's clear that The Locavore Movement food not only tastes better and is fresher, but lends itself to a healthier lifestyle. That being said, food infrastructure has clearly swung in favor of mass-produced products. Now, there are several arguments against how giant food companies and distributers do business, but there is no denying they have a stranglehold on the industry. Right now, it Read more just more labor intensive and harder to eat only locally produced food.

Essay On Locavore Movement

I benefit from the fact that I can work from home and make my own schedule. I can't begin to imagine how a parent or someone who works nights or long hours can stick to this kind of regimen.

The Locavore Movement

That's not even considering the complications people with food allergies, physical disabilities or other limitations would face if they tried to become locavores. I'm very lucky to have no physical limitations on what I can eat and, as an unmarried, childless something, I have enough disposable income to experiment with my diet. And yet, there I was, eating fruit in greek yogurt for lunch and then getting oysters as a pre-dinner snack because I couldn't figure out a quick The Locavore Movement to make lunch. Now this sounds like I was being lazy, but cooking each and every meal can take a toll on your psyche and your kitchen seriously, it's never not dirty anymore. This was an easy meal to The Locavore Movement though a bit harder since I don't own a microwave and it certainly stuck to my ribs.

The Locavore Movement

But looking back into my fridge, I'm seeing more Movwment the same ingredients I've been eating over the past few days and it's starting to get tedious. It's time to look for some inspiration. We need YOUR help to keep doing it. Become a Gambit Member and join our krewe today.]

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