The Importance Of The Hijab During The Olympics - Custom Academic Help

The Importance Of The Hijab During The Olympics

The Importance Of The Hijab During The Olympics Video

Exclusive! The History-Making Olympic Fencer The Importance Of The Hijab During The Olympics

Hijab regulations: Two women's experiences April 16,PM Nadya and Emna grew up nearly 12, km away from each other but they share one important experience. In Indonesia, many politicians argue that the jilbab, a kind of hijab, is mandatory in Islam and that Muslim girls should be forced to wear it from a young age. A new decree allows for students or teachers to now wear whatever they want in school, but not every place enforces this; Nadya grew up having to it at school, and was expected to continue doing so afterwards by her family.

The Importance Of The Hijab During The Olympics

In France, the opposite conversation is happening, with a new bill that is stopping minors from wearing conspicuous religious clothing at school, and the hijab receiving widespread media attention Durong a country where secularism is celebrated. up, Emna felt that lots of people in French society had misconceptions around the hijab as a result.

Video Transcript - The environment thinks I will be safe if I their rules.

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If I'm wearing hijab, then my life would be secure. I will be happy, but I'm not. I cry because every time I see myself in a mirror, it wasn't me. They have both grown up in countries where they have faced state regulation for what they wear based on religion. In France, wearing conspicuous religious clothing isn't allowed click here public schools and a full-face covering veil is banned in public spaces.

In Indonesia though, the opposite has historically been true, with the compulsory wearing of the jilbab in public spaces like schools. A new government decree says this is no longer necessary, but many still enforce it.

The Importance Of The Hijab During The Olympics

Nadya was forced to wear one in school. You're a Muslim, right? Why you are not wearing your jilbab? Then you're not a good person. You're not a good Muslim. So once I try to take off my jilbab when I was 19 in my University.


I got like offers, harassment, from my friends. Because if I take off my jilbab after I'm wearing it for about like more than seven years, then I become a prostitute. Story continues - I started to wear the hijab at the age of No one forced me, neither my dad nor my brother, or any of my family. And as my size grew up people start asking me are you oppressed? Do you feel comfortable with this on? So I think even Nadya said that when she took off the jilbab, people were starting asking her if she's Muslim, if she's OK. So people think that it's a whole different person.


And this is true for me. I don't know for other hijab's, but for me when I take off my hijab, I'm not the same person. Maybe I'm less comfortable, I'm less talkative. I'm going to be in my corner. No one's speaking to me. For many women, they also face judgment from family members and complete strangers if they decide to dress differently to what is seen as the norm.

And from since I take off my jilbab, I never see my grandmother again.]

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