The Importance Of Religion In Cats Cradle - Custom Academic Help

The Importance Of Religion In Cats Cradle The Importance Of Religion In Cats Cradle

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Smillie: In the Christian Science Sentinel of September 6, on page ten, Archibald McLellan stated three most important points about the cover of the Sentinel and a minor change made at that time on its cover. Eddy likewise gave instructions. Eddy requested that the cover of the Sentinel be light blue in color.

The Importance Of Religion In Cats Cradle

Christian Science Journal Cravle is a theme that has occupied the attention of philosopher, statesman, politician, and theologian, since the beginning of human history. How much one may govern another, how much individual freedom of thought and action each of us has by divine right, are still unsettled questions. Too much The Importance Of Religion In Cats Cradle — civil, ecclesiastical, and personal — is the curse of the centuries. The human mind's desire to control something or somebody besides itself results in countless of mesmerism.

Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action. But Christian Science alone promises any satisfactory or genuine remedy. In Scripture we find a scientific statement of the divine method of government.

The Importance Of Religion In Cats Cradle

Man is properly self-governed only when he is guided rightly, and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love. Man's rights are invaded when the divine order is interfered with. You are the master of the bad tendencies of Socialism and not at all at their cruel mercies.

The record of Christ Jesus and the Scriptures is the cornerstone of all well-being.

© Transcript (Experimental)

It is evident that since God is good and All-in-all, as the Bible repeatedly declares, in His creation well-being is the only state there is and can be. It is the divinely normal state of man in God's image and likeness. On no question is the human mind so fearful. However, fear Impkrtance bred of ignorance, and ignorance breeds chaos of thought, likely to yield to arbitrary domination.

Episode Notes

In a democracy, the duty of the citizen is to be intelligent, not ignorant and fearful of the civic problems that come to him. And especially is it his duty to do so when the measures adopted are supposedly for his benefit. In the light of the First Commandment, what is personal liberty, if not the freedom to know Cradlr, and man as idea?]

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