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The Importance Of Homework In Schools The Importance Of Homework In Schools

For this assignment, you will develop a presentation to be shared with colleagues and volunteers who may work in your classroom or learning center. Your presentation will include information about the important developmental milestones of children from birth through age 8. Finally, you will also discuss signs that a Sfhools may be delayed in development. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, Read Chapters 4 and 5 in your textbook. Review the web page on child development Basic Information. Find at least two Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources of information on early childhood physical development milestones.

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Please use the attached PowerPoint Template for this assignment. In your assignment, Describe one gross motor activity and one fine motor activity that encourages the development of infants Birth — 12 months. Og one gross motor activity and one fine motor activity that encourages development for toddlers One year — Three years. Describe one gross motor activity and one fine motor activity that encourages development for early childhood Four — Eight years.]

The Importance Of Homework In Schools

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