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The Impact Of Urbanization On Public Health

The United States U. The U. Unintended consequences fO the virus and measures to stop its spread may include decreased physical activity and exercise, shifting access and consumption of food, and lower quality-of-life. Therefore, our primary goal was to quantify the impact go here COVID on health The Impact Of Urbanization On Public Health well-being by measuring changes in physical activity, mental health-quality of life, food security and nutrition in adults ages 40 and older. We believed shifts in health behaviors would be more prevalent in minorities, less educated, lower socio-economic status, older adults, and those with underlying health conditions, so a secondary goal was to determine the impact of COVID on these sub-populations. Methods We conducted an online survey with adults 40 years and older between 9 August and 15 September in urban areas across the four U.

The survey included questions about demographic variables, pre-existing health conditions, physical Udbanization, access to food, quality-of-life, and nutritional food status and asked participants to respond with information from pre-pandemic and pandemic conditions. Results Our main findings showed a decrease in physical activity since the onset of COVID for minorities and non-minorities. Food security also slightly increased for minorities during the pandemic, but we found no other changes in food security, quality-of-life indicators, or nutritional status of those who responded to this survey.

Conclusions It is concerning that physical activity declined.

The Impact Of Urbanization On Public Health

Such activity helps maintain physical and mental health, and it is also an important time to socialize for many older adults. In many ways, our data indicate that the older adult population in U. However, the pandemic have negative impacts that we did not detect, either due to the survey instrument or the timing of our survey, so the health and well-being of older adults should continue to be monitored in order to mitigate potential negative impacts. The lack of a coordinated public health response from the federal government at the start of the pandemic in the U. Some states The Impact Of Urbanization On Public Health measures that included stay-at-home policies, closing of businesses, face coverings, and social distancing, whereas other states did not [ 34 ].

Unintended consequences of the virus and measures to stop its spread may include decreased physical activity and exercise, shifting consumption patterns and access to food, and feelings of anxiety [ 567 ]. Physical activity As COVID continues unrelentingly, barriers to physical activity and exercise may be higher for some groups of people than others. For example, closure of gyms, bowling alleys, and supervised exercise classes, combined with a lack of home gym equipment, prevented a continuation of physical activity in older adults [ 8 ].


Benzaldehyde Essays We defined well-being from a public health perspective as meeting physical and mental health approaches to disease prevention [ 9 ]. In addition to lost direct benefits from exercise, a reduction in the ability for older adults to socialize leads to an increased likelihood that they may suffer the loss of independence, which in turn may lead to cognitive impairment [ 10 ].

Those who can maintain higher levels of physical activities during the pandemic may display lower levels of depression and anxiety, which are key indicators of quality-of-life [ 11 ]. Whereas the ability to maintain an active lifestyle decreased during COVID, sedentary behaviors such as sitting, sleeping, and engaging in more television fO computer watching increased [ 12 ].

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Mobility rUbanization citizens was restricted to essential workers and essential services in some local jurisdictions and states where stay-at-home policies were enacted to keep citizens safe. Another study reported a decline in step count worldwide associated with confinement periods between January and March due to COVID [ 15 ].

This research did not report the intensity of physical activity, Hwalth the authors believe that there is a negative linear relationship between decreases in step count and decreases in physical activity. In a health context, this decline in routine physical activity and exercise is concerning because these activities confer health benefits that mitigate risks associated with chronic diseases [ 6 ].

Recent research explored the relationships between resilience, hope preventive behaviors, subjective well-being, and psychological health among adults and click at this page that high levels hope had a positive effect on resilience which translated to better mental well-being [ 17 ]; while Publid study reported anxiety measures of participants using the Self-Rating The Impact Of Urbanization On Public Health Scale where they compared anxiety risks they found that Individuals with high physical activity levels during the pandemic experienced lower levels of depression and anxiety The Impact Of Urbanization On Public Health higher levels of quality-of-life [ 19 ].

Research examining effects of COVID on mental health of older adults with a pre-existing major depressive disorder found that although older adults may experience physical distancing, they were not necessarily socially isolated: social isolation was mitigated for many by virtual connections with friends and family [ 10 ]. Even though physical activity was not included as a variable in the study, their findings suggest that physical activity could be introduced virtually as a source of social connection. Finally, social isolation induced by quarantine restrictions may cause mental health disturbances such as acute stress, depression, irritability, poor sleep habits, fear, and anxiety.

Food security and nutrition Beyond access to physical activity and key social interactions that influence quality-of-life, COVID restrictions may influence availability, access, and selection of nutritional food due, in part, to widespread closure of affordable food outlets [ 23 ]. Food security and nutritional intake has been used Impacf to convey the necessary components of a food secure household; however, these terms are independent.

The Impact Of Urbanization On Public Health

Food security is defined as all people having access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life [ 24 ]. The Urbanizattion States Department of Agriculture USDA defines ranges of food security as: 1 high food security — no food-access problems or limitations and 2 marginal food security one or two indicators of food access limitation [ 24 Og. Nutritional intake should focus on maximizing consumption of fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins to mitigate negative effects of noncommunicable diseases and complications such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes [ 2526 ]. Research supports physical activity and exercise as a non-pharmaceutical response to maintain good respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and mental well-being [ 11 ].

The CDC has suggested that the use of the term well-being is a valid population outcome measure [ 9 ]. Food security, nutritional food intake, The Impact Of Urbanization On Public Health high quality-of-life increase resilience in older adults.

The Impact Of Urbanization On Public Health

Therefore, our primary goal was to quantify the impact of COVID on physical and mental well-being by measuring changes in physical activity, physical and mental health quality-of-lifefood security, and nutrition in adults ages 40 and older.]

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