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Is Success Luck or Hard Work? The Ideology Of Success The Ideology Of Success

Woodward points to the inevitable normative character that statebuilding operations carry.

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Doyle and Sambanisp. However, especially in weak states, the design of statebuilding is flawed, as it is often imposed from outside and top-down, with little local consultation. There is an established consensus in academic and policy circles that the lack of genuine local ownership is the biggest challenge to Ireology interventions Donais,p. Why, then, is local ownership in so difficult to The Ideology Of Success This essay aims to determine the following: to what extent is the lack of genuine local ownership in statebuilding the result of the Western conception of statehood that shape statebuilding operations?

The Ideology Of Success

The following thesis statement will guide this analysis: Top-down, external statebuilding operations are largely ineffective in promoting development and can, in some cases, do unintended harm, due to a lack local The Ideology Of Success. The unwillingness to operationalise local ownership originates in a Western normative vision of statehood that delivering institutions embody, which creates tensions between international self-interest and local ownership. This essay will analyse this statement by first summarising the debate around statebuilding and local ownership, to subsequently discuss the conflict of interest between UN missions and local ownership, before concluding with consequences the lack of ownership entails for post-war reconstruction.

The Ideology Of Success

Context and definitions The academic literature on the definitions and impact of statebuilding and local ownership is abundant. In this section, each concept will be defined, and its context placed in the wider debate.

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As a detailed discussion on the definitions and the challenges of the concepts used would go beyond the scope of this essay, definitions that have been widely agreed upon among scholars will be favoured. Extending from this definition, the discussion arises as to the differences between statebuilding and peacebuilding. The here concepts are related but distinct. More recently, the inherent normative contradictions of statebuilding have been discussed by a range of scholars who assert that Western values that are intrinsic to statebuilding operations cannot be exported to other countries and expected to be The Ideology Of Success Paris,; Richmond, Thus, a consensus emerged that statebuilding should be better adapted to Ideoloty societies.

The Ideology Of Success

On how this ought to be achieved, opinions diverge.]

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