The Chemistry Of Dyes: The First Industrial Revolution - Custom Academic Help

The Chemistry Of Dyes: The First Industrial Revolution Video

Coal, Steam, and The Industrial Revolution: Crash Course World History #32 The Chemistry Of Dyes: The First Industrial Revolution.

They show a world that was profoundly altered by a virus that has killed more than 2. With the lockdown measures came major reductions in air pollution from vehicles, planes and factories. Photos of clear blue skies over Delhi in India — a city usually covered by smog and pollution — circulated in media outlets around the globe. For air pollution scientists the pandemic has been an opportunity unlike any other, possibly the biggest unintentional atmospheric chemistry experiment in history.

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This time, it really happened. The lockdown came two days before Chinese New Year, a peak season for travel. Liu and her colleagues immediately started collating data from spectrometers on board two different satellites, each of which provides daily global atmospheric data with a spatial resolution as fine as 5. Pollution kills Nitrogen dioxide — and other nitrogen oxides, jointly classed as NOx — is one of the four pollutants that cause the most damage to human health.

The others are sulfur oxides SOxground-level ozone and particulate matter PM — tiny particles made Chemistdy sulfates, nitrates, ammonia, sodium chloride, black carbon, mineral dust and water.

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In very high concentrations, nitrogen dioxide is acutely toxic, causing inflammation. But long term exposure to it and other pollutants has much wider health implications, ranging from stroke and heart problems to lung cancer and chronic respiratory diseases.

Given the increased Covid risks for people with some of these existing conditions that became apparent early last year, scientists wondered whether places with more severe air pollution saw more Covid deaths. Many other analyses conducted in several countries in early similarly iFrst an association between pollution and Covid mortality.

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But firm evidence that people were more likely to fall ill with severe Covid if they lived in a more polluted place remained elusive. The hastily collected data made it difficult for researchers to account for timing of the epidemic curve, differing lockdown restrictions and underreporting of Covid deaths.

The Chemistry Of Dyes: The First Industrial Revolution

The steep decline in NOx and PM levels in locked down cities begged another question. Are the Covid quarantines preventing deaths by providing cleaner air? Worldwide, outdoor air pollution kills an estimated 4. Complex chemistry Atmospheric reactions are complex.]

The Chemistry Of Dyes: The First Industrial Revolution

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