The Argument Against Trophy Hunting - Custom Academic Help

The Argument Against Trophy Hunting - opinion

The animals hunted are frequently big animals such as rhinos, elephants, lions, pumas, and bears and this deed is done under the official government license. The trophy is the animal or its valuable parts that the hunter keeps as a souvenir. Evidence of trophy hunting can be traced back to the late 19th century. The first official record of trophy hunting available is from from a man named Rowland Ward. Paintings from the Mughal period depict Mongol, Rajput, Turk, and Afghan nobility hunting from elephant or horseback. The Argument Against Trophy Hunting

See, first of all this is a species specific problem which is already injecting a pretty subjective element to the moral hierarchy that is trying to be formed here.

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If I shoot a Springbok in open country at is that too far and really just "sniping"? OK, what if I shoot a Kudu at ? What if I shoot a Buffalo at ? Elephant at even ?

Sinful, right? Frankly, all this is just egotistical bullshit of the first order Worse yet, it makes us no better than the anti-hunting crowd in general. The goalposts would be moved back and they would say, "Oh, he was so close when TThe shot him, where is the challenge in that?

The Argument Against Trophy Hunting

We will not win this battle if we play by THEIR rules if we start badgering each other for not conforming Afainst what "someone" or what "the community" claims is "proper".

Sorry, I'm not gonna play that game. Don't like the way I hunt? Well, you can suck it.

I can assure the overwhelming majority are questioning hunting now more than ever before and the anti's are putting forward very emmotive arguments that tug at voters hearts. If you are a long distance hunter and wish this to be your right in the future you had better be lobbying far and wide as the majority of average people do not like this idea - it is your responsibility to educate them before they close that The Argument Against Trophy Hunting. If you hunt big game - that you cannot eat - you had better start educating the masses on the conservation value - as The Argument Against Trophy Hunting majority of people see it as killing for pleasure nothing lesseducate or they will close us down.

If you hunt birds you had better increase your support of ducks unlimited and similar or they will close you out as people love birds If you hunt hand raised lionsyou had better be sure there is enormous lion conservation benefits or they and we will support your closure. Bottom line each and every hunter is being called on to educate ,inform and enlighten the wider Caused The Industrial Revolution and become active because the war just esculated against hunters 22 Octobershootaway What nonsense.

Are we invented things here like what type of hunting is ethical or not. Talk about fueling the antis. There are simply too many variables at play to make that practice the recipe for a quick and efficient kill in all instances.

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Of course, I am not suggesting that close shots cannot be botched. Just seems like the responsible hunter would either pass or get as close as possible to ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that the shot is effective to put the animal down.

The Argument Against Trophy Hunting

Kevin posts here occasionally though, he can speak for himself if he so desires. There is also a thread on the issue of long-range shooting on the American Hunt Reports thread if interested. I am a little late to the AR game. MJines: 22 OctoberBaxterB I think hunters actually had it pretty good for quite a while especially pre-social media before everyone felt compelled to share all these moments with a world they didn't realize might not like what they were doing. Argyment also like youth, they did not work to maintain their The Argument Against Trophy Hunting status in the good years for the later years when things changed.]

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