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Siegel, , p. It states that regardless of ethnicity, race, religion or social class, if the social bonds are weakened or broken the adolescent may fall to the life of criminality. In our society, people strive to obtain wealth, education, materialistic possessions and power. Due to the environment lower social class people are born into, they are unable to obtain these aspirations through legal means. One of the most well-known theories that tries to explain why criminals commit crimes is called the social control or social bond theory developed by a theorist named Travis Hirschi. Social Control Theory is what occurs when young adults do not have a good foundational upbringing from their parents and as such, they will tend to stray into more deviant behaviors The Theory And Social Control Theory Words 5 Pages developing the self-control perspective on crime and social control perspective on juvenile delinquency. In his groundbreaking work, Causes of Delinquency, he argued out that an explanation for delinquency can be achieved by absence of social bonds. He also stated that delinquency could be prevented by social attachments, acceptance of social norms, recognizing the moral validity of law and involvement in conventional activities. In his other work with Michael R. Strain Theory And Juvenile Punishment Strain Theory And Juvenile Punishment

Just Deserts Theory Words 8 Pages This research paper will discuss why there is no value to the just deserts approach and why, if supplemented with a re-entry program, just deserts will have a greater significance.

Strain Theory And Juvenile Punishment

The theory and practice of the just deserts approach will be examined as well as why it does not appear to be working for offenders., re-entry programs will be analyzed; those operating in Canada and in the United States, to further explain why reintegrating is better for the community and offenders.

It is easy to agree with the just deserts approach to crime, however, when a loved one is affected by the harsh punishments and the negative consequences of prison, it makes life afterward extremely Reduce Recidivism Analysis Words 2 Pages Latessa explains how Strain Theory And Juvenile Punishment shouldn't treat offenders for thing that do not link to them. Latessa also spoke on many other reasons that causes recidivism treatment The Importance Of Police Discretion Words 6 Pages Police officers that make wrong choices tend to be less appreciated by the society, those who make the use of discretion effectively tend to have a positive Strain Theory And Juvenile Punishment in the community.

Such biases could convince an officer that one suspect is more dangerous than another, prompting preemptive use of lethal force, and many of these biases invoke extralegal factors, such as race Nowacki,Pg. Officers understand that not all situations will always be easy, either some may be dangerous; others can be simply misunderstandings between cases.

Just Deserts Theory

In an ideal world you will be rewarded for being good, while making bad decisions will be consequences. This is what many fail to realize about legal systems. Many individuals expect to get off easy after committing Strain Theory And Juvenile Punishment crime, when ideally, everyone should be able to distinguish between right and wrong, Jjvenile understand that there are consequences to unlawful action.

Unfortunately many people have inadequate morals, and a lot of individuals fail, or just refuse, to see the difference between just and unjust. Crime And Punishment In The Elizabethan Era Words 5 Pages The sheer ruthlessness of the punishments discourage any sort of crime as they will scare the citizens into never breaking the law in fear of the consequences.

When a person was convicted of treason, they were not always executed immediately.

Strain Theory And Juvenile Punishment

Some click inhumanely tortured for more information to see if they were working with others, despite the obvious lack of morality in doing this, it worked. However, on the other hand, the Elizabethan Law did have at least some moral sense to it as people some were spared from torture, and even execution in certain circumstances.

Crime And Social Control Theory Essay

For example, although strain theory explains drug trafficking well it would be ill-suited in explaining white-collar crime or instances where individuals commit a crime without experiencing any social strain as their Hit Rate Analysis Strain Theory And Juvenile Punishment Words 3 Pages Earlier work by Gelman et al. They stated that a perfect Thepry of the analysis would be a measure of officer productivity which the officer aims to maximise, this objective is impartial to racially bias behaviour and cannot be influenced by police officer bias of black individuals.

The arrest outcome may not be impartial to officer bias because arrests are subject to the police officers decision and thus could be subject to racial bias.]

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