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Spanish Civil War Research Paper - think, that

Numerous smaller craft Personnel strength was planned to rise to over , The planned naval program was not very far advanced by the time World War II began. In two M-class cruisers and two H-class battleships were laid down and parts for two further H-class battleships and three O-class battlecruisers were in production. On 1 September , the navy still had a total personnel strength of only 78,, and it was not at all ready for a major role in the war. Because of the long time it would take to get the Plan Z fleet ready for action and shortage in workers and material in wartime, Plan Z was essentially shelved in September and the resources allocated for its realization were largely redirected to the construction of U-boats , which would be ready for war against the United Kingdom more quickly. Submarine attacks on Britain's vital maritime supply routes Battle of the Atlantic started immediately at the outbreak of war, although they were hampered by the lack of well placed ports from which to operate.

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Spanish Civil War Research Paper 650
Spanish Civil War Research Paper Spanish Civil War Research Paper.

There are well-known graphic novels such as Art Spiegelman's MausMarjane Satrapi's Persepolis and Joe Article source journalistic comics about war zones, and more and more testimonial comics of this kind are appearing all over the world.

This has notably been the case in Spain, especially since the end of Francisco Franco's dictatorship. Spanish Civil War Research Paper article attempts to examine the modes of representation of traumatic memory in Spanish comics by comparing several case studies, from testimonial comics based on memory to comics that use reality-based fiction. All of them deal with the Spanish Civil War or the postwar period, the topics most addressed in Spanish comics of traumatic memory.

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They have all entered 'into the space of testimonial memory, alluding to the necessity of making visible the invisible and, at the same time, seeking symbolic justice for the protagonists of each work'. The very nature of traumatic events prevents survivors from assimilating the original event and then recounting it coherently: 4 the story of trauma 'as the narrative of a belated experience'.

After a violent conflict, the stages for recovery in the community are related to those of an individual trauma: the restoration of physical and emotional security, then testimony and remembrance aloud and finally social reintegration. For instance, the Holocaust was not a topic of public conversation at least until the s; the decisive cultural turn did not culminate until the late Spanish Civil War Research Paper, preceding the 'memorialist turn' 7 and the 'age of testimony' with its 'crisis of truth'.

Spanish Civil War Research Paper

Testimonial images only make a dent in public opinion if there is 'an appropriate context of feeling and Spanish Civil War Research Paper. The delay in such public debates also has much to do with political interests: those who experience traumas such as war only see their narratives enter the public realm if their vision fits the objectives and sociopolitical tendencies of other relevant social groups. After victory and the very violent repression of the Researcb, Franco's dictatorship secluded the memory of the war within the private sphere, denying it a public space for free discussion and imposing an official discourse that excluded the version of events as recounted by the defeated, who were thus condemned to shame and fear.

Spanish Civil War Research Paper

This is a pioneering work in Spain, as much Ppaer historical Spanish Civil War Research Paper of Francoist Spain as an adult and autobiographical comic, which began serial publication at the very beginning of the Transition, even before the Spanish Constitution. In Paracuellos, the Civil War is the 'presence of an absence'. These 'orphans of the Civil War' were indoctrinated into Francoist Nationalist Spanish Civil War Research Paper and suffered constant abuse, mistreatment and deprivation. Paracuellos is based on the author's memories Spanisg also on the anecdotal accounts of his former fellow inmates in these homes, recorded in group meetings.

When the first Paracuellos comic strips were published, its publisher had doubts about the project. Serious comics were unusual in Spain and its subject was 'a very depressing thing', 16 so the publisher opted to stop Happy Endings Desirees Baby the series. Conceivably, it was still too early to remember the trauma, and an appropriate social context was lacking. The first Paracuellos comic strips are brief: anecdotes of two pages with no real plot because of editorial restrictions on space see Figure 1.

The author draws characters in a very expressive Civiil of realistic caricature, unequivocally subjective, with schematic backgrounds that shun preciousness because those Francoist homes were ugly, as the author has explained, and in very small panels that allow a more nuanced narration. Over time, he developed recurring characters and larger narrative arcs, so the series went from a testimony of complaint to an emotional history.

Michael Matly attributes this to the author's concerns about the controversial legalisation of the Communist Party of Spain and its precarious situation at the time.

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Inthe few autobiographical comics published around the world were virtually unknown. Palacios, a good commercial artist, uses an 'overloaded' illustration style and a narrative that can be understood just by reading the caption texts, with dialogue that is of little relevance see Figure 2. The narrative style recalls Harold Foster's Prince Valianta fantasy of medieval adventures. Indeed, realism in comic sequences is paradoxical: it creates a distancing estrangement and tends to mythify what is represented; in comics, realist drawing seems unreal.]

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