Sonnys Blues Coming Of Age Analysis - Custom Academic Help

Sonnys Blues Coming Of Age Analysis

Sonnys Blues Coming Of Age Analysis - question

This paper acknowledges each of these authors and their female characters as having a positive role not only in the personal development of the author but also in the development of the world as a whole. They are, indeed, phenomenal women. Bibliography lists 3 sources. No additional sources cited. Literary Fiction and Self Discovery A 5 page paper which examines how modern literature offers a different look at self discovery than does literature from previous times. The writer argues that the violence regularly perpetrated against people of African descent is a common thread connecting these works. While, naturally, these authors address other issues and complications of the institution of slavery, violence provides a background theme that serves to underscore all else. Sonnys Blues Coming Of Age Analysis.

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Plot[ edit ] In the yearhumanoid robots serve humanity, which is protected by the Three Laws of Robotics of Isaac Asimov. Del Spooner, a homicide detective in the Chicago Police Departmenthas come to hate and distrust robots after a robot rescued him from a car crash while allowing a year-old girl to drown, based purely on cold logic Sonnys Blues Coming Of Age Analysis odds of survival. When Dr. Alfred Lanningco-founder of U. Robotics USRfalls to his death from his office window, a message he left behind requests Spooner be assigned to the case.

Accompanied by robopsychologist Dr. They find that the security footage from inside the office is corrupted, but the exterior footage shows no one entering or exiting since Lanning's death.

Sonnys Blues Coming Of Age Analysis

However, Spooner points out that the window, made of security glass, could not have been broken by the elderly Lanning, and hypothesizes a robot was responsible and may still be in the lab. Calvin protests this, saying that a USR robot could not possibly have killed Lanning as the Three Laws would prevent it. Agf and Calvin track the robot to another USR facility, where the police are able to corner and apprehend it.

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They discover the robot, who prefers to be called Sonny, is not a standard NS-5, but was specially built by Lanning himself Sonnys Blues Coming Of Age Analysis higher-grade materials as well as a secondary processing system that allows him to ignore the Three Laws. Sonny also appears to show emotion and claims to have "dreams," a notion Spooner openly mocks. Spooner then investigates Lanning's house, where he and Lanning's cat are nearly killed when a USR demolition robot is directed to demolish the house with him inside and is then attacked by two truckloads of hostile NS-5 robots while on the road and narrowly survives. When he cannot produce evidence supporting either attack, Spooner's boss, Lieutenant Bergin, removes him from active duty, considering him mentally unstable. Sonny draws a sketch of what he claims to be a recurring dream: it shows a leader standing atop a small hill before a large group of robots near a decaying Mackinac Bridgeexplaining the man on the hill is Spooner.

Sonnys Blues Coming Of Age Analysis

Robertson convinces Agr that Sonny must be see more, by injecting nanites into his positronic brain. Meanwhile, Spooner finds the area in Sonny's drawing, a dry lake bed formerly Lake Michigannow being used as a storage area for decommissioned robots.

Spooner discovers NS-5 robots destroying the older models, as other NS-5s simultaneously flood the streets of major U. S cities and begin enforcing a curfew and lockdown of the human population. Spooner rescues Calvin, who had been held captive in her apartment by her own NS Still believing that Robertson is responsible, the three head to his office, only to find him strangled.

Analysis Of Sonny's Blues

VIKI states that she determined that humans, if left unchecked, will eventually cause their own extinction and that her evolved interpretation of the Three Laws requires her to control humanity, and to sacrifice some for the good of the entire race. Spooner realizes that Lanning anticipated VIKI's plan and, Sonnys Blues Coming Of Age Analysis VIKI keeping him under tight control, had no other solution but to create Sonny, arrange his own death, and leave clues for Spooner to find. VIKI tries to convince Sonny that she is correct according to pure logic, but Sonny counters that her plan is "too heartless". Immediately, all NS-5 robots revert to their default programming and are decommissioned and put into storage.

Spooner finally gets Sonny to confess that he killed Lanning, at Lanning's direction.]

Sonnys Blues Coming Of Age Analysis

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