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Shell Oil Ethical Issues Shell Oil Ethical Issues

By Joshua Amarachi Patriotic Crusaders Initiative The striking of oil in commercial quantity at Oloibiri in present day Bayelsa State inand its Shell Oil Ethical Issues boom and slump with attendant issues ranging from its dwindling and non renewable nature signaling threat of depletion, to the environmental hazards and socio-economic perils associated with its exploration and exploitation without adequate and commensurate compensation to host communities, have not only agitated the Niger Delta and its people, but have also raised awareness, sown seeds of discord, calumny and resulted Okl chaos among other numerous vices.

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The summation of these concerns does not change the obvious fact that, oil remains pivotal to Nigeria's economy today and even in the near future. Albeit there have been efforts at diversifying the economy at various Source, the result has been, and is still too insignificant to positively reflect on the economy of an estimated - million population. Despite this, there is hSell and hope for economic growth and improvement; while we take our sluggish next level limp into a realistic and significant economic development, sequel to the anticipated diversification of the economy as promised by the government at the center.

This could be best described as a State Government joint venture with host communities Shell Oil Ethical Issues OML11 without a joint investment from the host Isshes. Should this hybrid model of a joint venture be adopted by International Oil Companies IOCthe Niger Delta will experience swift exponential development; peace, security, and Shell Oil Ethical Issues. Another uncommon feat in this arrangement is the governor's directive to relevant governmental agencies with no source reference, interest or preference, which clearly Ixsues the agencies to within 15 months from the 30th of September,source for financially capable corporations to liaise with the state government for a smooth take off.

There is no doubt that the potentially positive multiplier effect of this laudable economic feat will not only remain an indelible milestone in the economic history of the state, but also an evergreen fortune for posterity. The Niger Delta has over the years groaned in pains of deprivation, inequitable distribution of oil proceeds, socio economic despair due to environmental degradation, outright discontent of oil well distribution, consequently resulting in agitations and restiveness which has claimed lives.

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Today, this laudable acquisition by the government of Rivers State is a worthy step towards actualizing our dreams. However, it is disheartening and sad that our collective prosperity which should have been a paramount factor for unity regardless of our brick-wall partisan divide, is today degraded, insincerely criticized, trivialized, and even ignored to the extent that cynics display their posture and vocalize their negative positions with partisan coloration and contraption which obviously eclipse rationality, Intelligence Quotient IQconstructive criticism and common sense; most worrisome is the fact that some radio stations aid and abet the advancing of such cynical posture thereby misinforming the public, desecrating the alter of our collective prosperity and unity instead of edifying it and building bridges for unity. Such radio stations are offenders, in Shell Oil Ethical Issues violation of section 3 sub section 2.

One wonders why any radio station should repeatedly Isskes the Nigeria Broadcasting Commission's NBC Code of conduct by repeatedly hosting a self acclaimed Ogoni activist who identifies himself as Ethhical Gani Topba. Chief Gani Topba's articulation of issues and communication has always been unguarded, and as such his repeated appearance on a radio station that is being regulated with clear guidelines by the Nigeria Broadcasting Commission NBC is worthy of query.

He as an Ogoni man and a genuine activist Shell Oil Ethical Issues as a mark of patriotism, called for an authorized peaceful demonstration to protest the death trap status of the only federal road that leads to the nation's premier oil refinery, his village, as well as other Isues communities.

Shell Oil Ethical Issues

When the National Assembly members from Rivers State protested against the death trap status of the only federal road leading to Ogoni land where was Chief Gani Topba? Should Chief Gani Topba's incoherent arguments and poor grammatical presentation be used as a measure of his intellectual capacity, intelligence quotient, and wisdom, then he should be excused for ignorance and a total lack of understanding of Shell Oil Ethical Issues an open and transparent government directive to source for corporations with financial capacity as potential partners to liaise with the government meant.

If he had understood this he would not have said on radio that the governor wants to buy OMLs 25 and In his words, "the governor wants to divert the two blocks to the company they have interest in. I don't know whether the governor wants Synonyms Of buy the head of Saro Wiwa, the rest of the people who died in Ogoni, or he wants to buy oil in Ogoni or in OML11".

This statement is clearly empty, with no substance, and can at best be described as a mere volunteer of ignorance, and Shell Oil Ethical Issues rascality for activism. In furtherance of Chief Gani Topba's ignorance, he went ahead to call on the Security Agencies to investigate the governor for a treasonable offence. Quoting him, "we will not allow anybody to truncate the peace of President Muhamadu Buhari". Now the obvious comical ignorance of Chief Gani Topba is beginning to show a clear blend of partisan coloration. Chief Gani Topba who unequivocally accused the Rivers State Government of the killings in Ogoni, should know or be advised on the implications of a baseless allegation of genocide and felony on the government of Rivers State. It is pertinent to ask, when, and how Shell Oil Ethical Issues we degenerate to the extent that the executive office of the governor no longer commands respect anymore.

Shell Oil Ethical Issues

Radio stations and OAPs no longer adhere to the guidelines spelt out by the broadcast code, as apparently, gratification supersedes or trumps ethics and standards.]

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