Scientific Theory: Waknesses Of The Big Bang Theory - Custom Academic Help

Scientific Theory: Waknesses Of The Big Bang Theory Video

The Big Bang Theory: What Went Wrong? – Wisecrack Edition Scientific Theory: Waknesses Of The Big Bang Theory

Scientific Theory: Waknesses Of The Big Bang Theory - agree

The start of the cosmos was more likely just an incredibly fast expansion. Within the first second of the big bang, the temperature reached about 10 billion 10,,, F or 5,,, C. At this pointy the universe consisted of a sea of fundamental particles like protons and electrons. Electrons would have been free at this time and would have scattered light is all direction causing the universe to be opaque. These formed the first neutral atom which allowed the universe to become transparent. What made us believe the Big Bang is the start? How are we so confident about the events happened in the past? These events are predicted of the evidence we have. Scientific Theory: Waknesses Of The Big Bang Theory

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Scientific Theory: Waknesses Of The Big Bang Theory

Learn More. She's beautiful and blonde, but that doesn't mean her acting career is going anywhere. She can somehow afford to live in an apartment building expensive enough that a couple of scientists can afford, even though she's working as a waitress, and her character seems to have nothing at all in common with Leonard and his friends.

Penny could tell you her last name, but then she would have to kill you

Yet she still spends almost all of her time hanging out with them, eating Chinese food, and listening to them nerd out about subjects Scjentific doesn't seem to grasp. It speaks to a crisis in the very foundation of the show's premise that these inconsistencies are never probed, let alone explained.

Look too hard at the character Penny, and you'll see all the cracks that should have brought the entire structure of the series crumbling down around the sheer improbability of this one woman's choices and traits. Fortunately, there's a fan theory that provides an explanation for all of these apparent plot holes, and its implications are pretty darn wild to comprehend.

1. Redshift of Galaxies

Dare, if you will, to read on and find out what fans have speculated about Penny's true motives for getting close to Leonard and Sheldon Jim Parsons. That's right, move over The Americans, Theoru: Chuck Lorre's got an entirely different story to tell about a deep cover agent living among her unwitting marks.

Scientific Theory: Waknesses Of The Big Bang Theory

The theory ties into the notion that the federal government has been spying on Sheldon and Leonard ever since Leonard broke up with Joyce Kim, a woman who was revealed to be a North Korean spy in the episode "The Staircase Implementation. Aware of Leonard and Sheldon's knowledge of a rocket fuel project, they simply send Theoryy in to monitor both men. We know. It sounds absurd, but it actually ties up all those dangling threads mentioned above. Think about it: The last-name-free Penny has been sent into the men's lives to observe their antics.

The Spy Who Loved Leonard

This explains why she spends so much time with two guys who don't share her interests, why she lacks any friends Waknessed her own, how she can afford the apartment without a roommate, and why there's a lack of traction in her "acting career. Unlike the actual Big Bang Theory, this seems to explain all the forces in play.

You can think of it as a Unified Theory of Penny.]

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