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Im a little confused as to whether or not transacitional forms part of transformational and would form just one model? A:Transformational leadership creates the comparison. Transformational leadership actual seeks to create change in the follower rather than reward or sanction them. So Transactional is used to describe a whole range of models of leadership that were based on the thinking before transformational models. Or how two leadership styles that do employ EI in different ways? So the question is asking you to consider how emotional intelligence plays a role in considering how to lead. I am asking you to demonstrate that through EI you can decide which two models you would use in two different circumstances within your chosen organisation. How is that decision made, what are the benefits when the leader gets it right and what is the cost when you get it wrong. Role Of Emotional Intelligence In Nursing. Role Of Emotional Intelligence In Nursing

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The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

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The data collection instrument was self-reported Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale and Multi-dimension Sense of Humour Scale to measure emotional intelligence and sense humour respectively. Also the two dimensions of sense of humour; humour creation and performance and social uses of humour are positively linked to dimensions of emotional intelligence. The results of chosen research approach may lack generalisability. A small sample of students from three different universities scarcely allows for true representation of whole population. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to use large number of sample to test the proposed propositions further. The findings of the study can be helpful to researchers, practitioners and policy makers in better understanding of the role of humour and emotional intelligence among university students. This paper satisfies a recognised need to study the role of humour in emotional intelligence. Role Of Emotional Intelligence In Nursing

I was coaching a young leader the other day. Her CNO was concerned because although she had good potential, she lacked emotional intelligence. In talking with her, I realized that she expected staff to get used to the way she is — unfiltered and sometimes abrupt. Even in her discussion with me, I could see that she lacked self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and understanding of how her behavior impacts relationships.

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It was all about her. This leader is not alone in need the strengthen her own emotional intelligence. Although the concept of emotional intelligence has been written about since the early s, it was popularized in by Daniel Goleman in his best-selling book Emotional Intelligence. Emotional intelligence EQ is usually defined as self-mastery or the ability to understand and control what we feel our emotions and the way we act our response to these emotions.

It is about self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.

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These 4 components of EI can be defined as follows: Self-awareness — You recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behavior, know your strengths and weaknesses, and have self-confidence. Relationship management — You know how to develop and maintain good relationships, communicate clearly, inspire and influence others, work well in a team, and manage conflict.

Developing our Emotional Intelligence Although there are tools out there to Role Of Emotional Intelligence In Nursing your emotional intelligence, such as this Quiz from the Harvard Business Review 1 Quiz Yourself Do You Lead with EIthere are also ways that leaders can do this on their own. Here are 6 suggestions: Seek Feedback on your behavior — this is hard to do at times, but research suggests that many of us do not have good barometers of how others are receiving us. Evaluate all negative feedback and reactions to your behavior to look for evidence of where you may have problems with EI. Self-reflect on how you have managed your emotions in highly charged situations with conflict— is there room for continue reading

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Assess how you manage your stress level and whether this interferes with relationships with others. Determine your EI strengths and weaknesses and develop a personal action plan. Do cognitive rehearsals when confronted with difficult situations — assess in advance how you will manage if you are losing control of the situation. To develop your emotional intelligence takes intentionality. Instead, when you do make a mistake, step back and ask yourself what you will do differently in future situations. Remember — your leadership success is highly dependent on your level of emotional intelligence.]

Role Of Emotional Intelligence In Nursing

One thought on “Role Of Emotional Intelligence In Nursing

  1. Excuse, I can help nothing. But it is assured, that you will find the correct decision. Do not despair.

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