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THE ROMANOV DYNASTY: CAUSE OF THE 1917 REVOLUTION 2 days ago · submitted by /u/viplav [link] [comments]. 21 hours ago · I distinctly remember the moment last quarter when I felt completely defeated by grief. It was during a week when my coursework had aligned to cover the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the myriad anthropogenic impacts that have depleted whale populations, and the ongoing battle for Tribal nations to have their fishing treaty rights upheld by Washington State. I was toggling between my law . 1 day ago · Americans are fascinated by magic. TV shows like "WandaVision" and "The Witcher," books like the Harry Potter series, plus comics, movies and games about people with powers that can't be explained by God, science or technology, have all been wildly popular for years. Modern pop culture is a testament to how enchanted people are by the thought of gaining special control over an uncertain world.
Remember By Joy Harjo Analysis

Remember By Joy Harjo Analysis - interesting idea

Exploring the Intersections of Water, People, and the Environment Apr 19, By Olivia Zimmerman I distinctly remember the moment last quarter when I felt completely defeated by grief. It was during a week when my coursework had aligned to cover the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the myriad anthropogenic impacts that have depleted whale populations, and the ongoing battle for Tribal nations to have their fishing treaty rights upheld by Washington State. I was toggling between my law book discussing the numerous mortalities of dolphins in the s due to the yellowfin tuna industry, a marine mammal biology textbook reviewing mass cetacean culls, a book reviewing the data that explores the capacity for orcas to experience heartbreak, and a news article on the severity of destroyed salmon habitat in the Pacific Northwest. With a tight chest and tears in my eyes, I placed my books aside and absentmindedly made the all-too-familiar mistake of turning to my phone for a mental break. I opened Instagram to the smiling face of Elijah McClain , who should have been celebrating his twenty-fifth birthday that day. Any efforts to evade my despair and fury were lost, and I sunk into feeling the intensely painful reality of the world we are living in. I have felt devastated about the plight of my fellow animals and humans for as long as I can remember. So immersed I have become, cringing while I read about disintegrating coral systems and fighting nausea as I discovered the cruel methods used by early colonial settlers to dispatch marine mammals.

Perspective Discussion of news topics with a point of view, including narratives by individuals regarding their own experiences I gave birth with no leave and a mountain of medical bills. No parent deserves to suffer like I did.

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Studies show that a lack of paid parental leave is associated with an increase in depression Margaret Kingsbury with her daughter shortly after giving birth in Nashville in December Ryan Moses Margaret Kingsbury Apr. I am a mother only. I can never be anything else. I see myself holding our daughter in my arms in the rocking chair, tears streaming down my face.

We were so excited to start our family and ecstatic to discover I was pregnant.

Remember By Joy Harjo Analysis

We had a small amount in savings, and I added to it every month, neither of our workplaces offered paid leave. But by the time I delivered in Decemberwhen the reality hit of having no time, no paid or unpaid leave, and, despite our best efforts to save, not Remember By Joy Harjo Analysis money to cover our bills, we both sank into the mire of postpartum depression. Instead of being filled with joy, we felt bereft of hope, consumed by sadness and unable Hagjo imagine a future other than constant financial strain. Both jobs agreed to take me back when I was ready to return, with certain conditions. Ryan also did not qualify for leave, paid or unpaid. Eight months before I gave birth, he had taken a new job as an inventory clerk at the same hospital where I would give birth.

Remember By Joy Harjo Analysis

He worked 60 hours a week. And the hospital did not offer hourly employees paid family leave. Studies show that a lack of paid parental leave is associated with an increase in depression and that longer paid leaves improve both physical and mental health for parents as well as infants.

The research shows what my husband and I experienced acutely: New parents need time to recover, to heal, to mend Remember By Joy Harjo Analysis and minds, to bond with new lives, and to figure out how to be a family. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 1 out of every 8 women experience PPDwhich is defined as prolonged depression and a sense of hopelessness following the birth of the child.

According to a analysis by UNICEFthe United States is the only country — out of the 41 wealthiest countries the examined — that does not provide any paid parental leave.

A week before our daughter was born inI was hospitalized for irregular heart rhythms.

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But life had other plans. We came home with my daughter two days after her birth to a freezing house. While I was having a C-section, an animal had crawled into our air ducts and torn them to pieces. We bundled up together in the living room and kept warm as best we could.

Studies show that a lack of paid parental leave is associated with an increase in depression

Our savings, instead of giving us needed time to heal and bond with our daughter, were eaten up by the repair bills on our home. And then the hospital bills began to roll in.

Remember By Joy Harjo Analysis

She had difficulty eating and breathing. Bills continued to pile up from this diagnosis. I also developed postnatal physical complications that required more testing and doctor visits. I spent hours on the phone with medical billing companies, attempting to negotiate Remember By Joy Harjo Analysis lower monthly payments. Although I had hoped to take more time off, I returned to work when my daughter was 3 months old because of financial strain. A few months later, my husband and I were both diagnosed with postpartum depression and given medication, which did alleviate our feelings of worthlessness and depression. Studies have shown that low socioeconomic status can contribute to PPD. And women who have 12 weeks or less of parental leave are more likely to experience PPD.]

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