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Reflection On Moral Imagination

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Abortion, Vaccines, and Moral Imagination April 13, April 14, By Mark Perkins Scholars who advocate receiving the vaccinations for COVID should not minimize or brush aside concerns that those vaccines were produced with the help of abortion. Facing the problem more fully should not rule out vaccination, but it will help us better understand the depths of our entanglement in this late-modern culture of death.

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Within this broader context, the arrival of COVID vaccines with historical links to abortion presents not only a question to answer but also an opportunity for Christians to develop more robust moral imaginations. Taking a vaccine does not endorse the abortion that enabled the production of immortalized cell lines, nor does it disrespect the remains of aborted babies, nor does here require or directly incentivize future abortions.

Reflection On Moral Imagination

Nevertheless, the EPPC statement fails to consider how an unambiguous endorsement of continue reading vaccines has the potential to malform our moral imaginations, and it fails to acknowledge that this endorsement may be exploited to support the ongoing symbiotic relationship between IImagination research and the abortion industry. The arrival of COVID vaccines with historical links to abortion presents not only a question to answer but also an opportunity for Christians to develop more robust moral imaginations.

They have earned our respect, as well as our presumption that they speak in good faith, Reflection On Moral Imagination of whether we agree with their conclusions.

3.4 Assignment: Turnitin-Ethical Dilemmas

Their statement makes three fundamentally sound points. First, the distinction between vaccines that used HEK fetal cell lines or the like in testing versus those that use such cell lines in ongoing production is a distinction without a meaningful moral difference—or, at least, not much of one. All benefited from abortion-derived cell lines in Imaagination way. None of the vaccines require any further abortive acts. Second, regardless of whether we take any of the vaccines on offer, we are already Reflection On Moral Imagination entangled with HEK link innumerable ways, given its use in laboratory testing related to food products, cosmetics, medical technologies including many other vaccinesand more.

Reflection On Moral Imagination

You cannot eat at a restaurant without becoming complicit. You cannot use makeup without becoming complicit.

2.4 Project Assignment: Personal Ethic Statement (Integrity and Work Ethics test)

You cannot enjoy the fruits of modern medicine without becoming complicit. If we are willing to excuse ourselves of complicity in relation to cosmetics and processed foods, it hardly seems reasonable to draw a red line at potentially lifesaving, pandemic-ending vaccines. If, on the other hand, we Reflection On Moral Imagination to remove ourselves from all connection to products that use or used such cell lines, we must admit that this will require an Amish-level disengagement with the broader society—a revolutionary change that would sacrifice other moral goods, and that would therefore require careful moral reasoning in its own right.]

Reflection On Moral Imagination

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