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Piagets Theory Of Situation Analysis

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With the deployments of phasor measurement units, massive amount of synchrophasor data is collected, which makes it possible for the real-time situational awareness of the entire system. In this paper, based on random matrix theory, a data-driven approach is proposed for real-time operation situation assessment in power systems. First, spatiotemporal data set is formulated by arranging high-dimensional synchrophasor measurements in chronological order. The proposed approach is sensitive to the variation of the system situation and robust against random fluctuations and measurement errors. Cases on the synthetic data generated from IEEE bus test system validate the effectiveness of the approach. Piagets Theory Of Situation Analysis Piagets Theory Of Situation Analysis

Cognitive development can be referred Piwgets as see more in the personality by going through problem solving, decision making and remembering from childhood to become an adult Wertsh, Conservation task can be termed as a test to check the ability of a child to see or observe changes when an object goes through some physical transformation Buckingham, In this paper, we have performed a fieldwork by taking a child and then two conservation tasks were Piagets Theory Of Situation Analysis with him. After getting information from him about the task, we were required to state that he is at what stage of cognitive development. For this task, I selected a child named John was seven years old. He seemed very energetic and observant so I decided to test his cognitive development. After that, I was required to select two conservation tasks to proceed further.

Essays Related To Cognitive Development Research

My selected two conservation tasks are as follows: 1 Water task: In this task, Theoru were to present two identical water filled cups with the same amount of water to the child. After the confirmation from the child that water in both cups is same, we were to move towards the second step of the task. In this step, we took water Piagets Theory Of Situation Analysis both cups and poured it in two cups with different shapes. One cup was wider and shorter and second was narrower and taller. Obviously, level of water would be higher in a narrower one. Now the child was required to answer that which cup has more water.

After that we laid down the blocks in line, intentionally by giving spaces in one line, we made one line longer than the other. Now the child was to answer that which line has more blocks.

Piagets Theory Of Situation Analysis

I selected these two conservation tasks and at the playground near our home, I performed this task to give the child a casual environment and to relax his mind. Analysis As mentioned above that I selected Sitkation boy who was seven years old, I first performed a water task with him. When I asked from him that in which cup, water is more, he answered that in the longer one, which is obviously a wrong answer. He claimed that up with a higher level of water has more water. I asked him if is sure then he was very confirmed about his answer and did not want to even reconsider it once.

He was a lot comfortable during the task as he was enjoying all this Piagets Theory Of Situation Analysis.

Borrowed Theory Application

When I was pouring water in different bowls, he was very excited and wanted to help me as well. He liked doing things at all times. As far as the second task, block task is concerned, John answered it correctly. He counted the blocks and was able to conserve the amount of the blocks. It is important to state here that materials in both tasks were different from each other. A difference between these two specific studies or tasks was Piagets Theory Of Situation Analysis the placement of the observer, child and note-taker. In the first task, note taker was sitting in front of the John and in the second task, he was sitting behind him. After that, I told him about Heinz Dilemma and asked that if Heinz did right or wrong when he stolen drug. answered that he did right as he wanted to save his wife.

Piagets Theory Of Situation Analysis his view chemist was a bad person who refused to give that drug for the sake of money. I told him that every drug has a cost and no one gives it free of cost then he replied that his wife was in pain and he was begging for his life but chemist was demanding more money. Results Results or outcomes of these tasks lead us toward knowing the cognitive learning status of the child. John, the 7-year-old second grader, was entering the concrete operational stage and it was due to the fact that he was able to conserve the blocks, but he was not able to conserve the water.]

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